brain dead !!!! Well I thought that funny also....Good description ...Hang in there buddy!!!
OK now, I'm really an apostate
by dawg 31 Replies latest jw experiences
What does it always seem that I go against popular opinion here?
What if she had asked to start over then the next day you got a eight page letter full of JW quotes and scriptures? You'd be pretty annoyed.
If you want her to respect that you're not a witness, you need to respect that she is one. If the two of you can have a nice family relationship and just leave religion at the door, wouldn't that be ideal?
Admittedly you misread her doubt, but then it was you that slammed the door when it came to light.
Sorry, no high fives from me. You still may have an opportunity to apologize for coming on strong and ask for a non religious relationship where she doesn't try to get you to come back and you don't ask her to leave.
Respect is a two way street. Are you saying that you don't want to associate with her as long as she's a witness? How is that different than JW's shunning? -
Thanks for your imput, but no way you're right... I've been mentally abused for 17 years and for what? SO my family can defend a group of men that have built mansons for returing prophets and a plethora of other absolutly insane things? What a crock of utter bull! I expect people to have more brains than to fall for this foolishness and even if they did believe in this stupity then they still dont't have a right to treat me fouly for 17 years.. What" Are you kidding me... so I should take their crap for 17 years and not grow so damn tired of it that I want to sever the abuse? Maybe your situation is different than mine, if that's the case, good for you... but I'm fan to the teeth that you'd defend the those who've willingly defended these idiots while treating many in their own family like they have a diease. Please!
Hey, Dawg! Brain dead says it all. Good luck to you (uh-oh, is that demonic?) You got spunk! Flipper
Congrats on telling them to shove it!!!! Respect must be earned and can be quickly destroyed by hateful and disfunctional actions. I have many friends that are devout christians that do not judge me or look down thier noses at me. I have great respect for them because they live thier lives with love and acceptance even for those that do not go to thier church. Imagine that!
What is worse, a person that is not a christian or someone who claims to be but does not conduct themselves as one?
I had the greatest pleasure in telling my JW mom that I do not consider her a christain because she does not act like one. They really hate it when you point that out to them. Use the scriptures "by thier friuts you will know them", "actions speak louder then words".
The Wt teachings are not only anti-Christ but anti-family. I know Ray Franz wrote in CoC that they were "victims of victims." In a sense i agree. However, every person
needs to take responsibility for what they do individually. And when as individuals they decide to treat you or anyone else badly, then they are accountable. "I was only
following orders" won't sell in the end. They'll have an accounting. I am sorry they treated you badly. All the best yo you.
I told her that she may think of me as "spiritually dead"
Dawg if the WT had secular power apostates would be literaly dead ;killed And guess who would be the ones casting the first stones?
Come the revolution we will storm Brooklyn Heights hang the GB ( so called faithful and discreet slave} And leave there bodies dangling from Brooklyn bridge with a copy of the WT on their chests. Then we will start the reprograming and maybe win back our loved ones.
If your thinking that is unjust don't fret the GB will be given a closed room judicial committee hearing first. And the punishment no worse than what they preach for the rest of humaity
welcome dawg ... i like the name.
I've always reserved the right to evolve at my own pace and because of that, I think it would be hypocritical of me to judge others when they evolve at their own pace.
I too initially kept a "safe" distance from JW family that told me "talk to you when you get back" (meaning "and not unless or until").
However, since being away awhile and gaining more confidence and strength in my own path/ is becoming easier to interact with my JW family in a way that is true to my own values rather than merely a parroting of ingrained JW behaviors (like disfellowshipping).
So sorry for any pain your family circumstances are unwittingly causing you. -
Hey dawg, your card and other membership materials should be arriving soon. Please allow 4 - 6 weeks.