Glitter: You said: It was after I saw a documentary entitled Suffer the Little Children exposing the problem of child molestation coverups in the Society that I went online to see if there was a follow-up on those who had shared their stories. That led me to Silent Lambs, Free Minds, and the Jehovah's Witness Discussion Forum. What about Aisha?
What a great question! I'm amazed I didn't make that connection myself as I was writing as I am usually able to anticipate questions and issues from other points of view that may arise. This is an issue that I have found troubling as well and am still researching and pondering. Rather than share where I am with it now, may I get back to you?
Thanks for your comments, Black Swan. Best wishes always
Papha:Thanks for sharing your experience. But I've always been puzzled by the attraction of blacks to the Muslim movement. All down through history, it was the Muslims who enslaved the blacks even well before it was done by white Europeans and continued well after the "slave trade" to the West was discontinued. They were involved in the trafficking of slaves during the entire time. If blacks reject Christianity on the bases of these past abuses, wouldn't it also apply to the Mulims who were in the business long before and long afterwards?
This is something with which I am not familiar and must read more about. All I am aware of so far is that the Qur'an allows slavery but strongly encourages setting slaves free, and "The first call to prayer at the Quba mosque built by Prophet Muhammad was given in 622 by Bilal -- a black slave freed by the Prophet." Racism, or the supposed superiority of one race over another, is not condoned in the Qur'an. I am beginning by reading herebut will read elsewhere as well.
Lisa: all muslimed out!
anewme: Somehow I have the feeling this will be but a stepping stone in your religious journey Merry.
You and LittleToe both! Thanks for reading.
Quandry:Perhaps they are not all this way. Perhaps they do not all hate "infidels" and feel that they must be killed. Just like with the witnesses, not all want to cover over child abuse, etc.
I just don't see it.
So many tragedies in this world! Some areas are so bad. I can understand your feelings, so I hope you will keep looking and discerning that what is wrong in some Muslim societies is contrary to what is taught in the Qur'an. And there are also Muslims pushing for change, for education, for relief and for peace, just as there are many Americans who do not condone the American killing of innocent women, children and elderly in Middle Eastern countries. I can imagine it would be hard in those conditions for people there to see anything good in us, but some still manage to.
back in a bit!