On a mac, I hope this formats correctly. My 1st email and question: (Salutations) I miss you guys and hope you are all doing well. I have a question: I recently saw this years Memorial invitation and it got me wondering. I decided to read all the scriptures surrounding the last supper. 1. Matthew 26:26-29 2. Mark 14:22-26 3. Luke 22:17-20 4. I Corinthians 11:23-28 I was wondering if you could tell me where your personal invitation to the memorial is in scripture? Isn't Jesus speaking to the anointed Christians in these verses when he says "this do in remembrance of me"?,...meaning that the anointed Christians should partake of the emblems in remembrance. If Jesus is speaking solely to the anointed, then where is the "great crowd's" invitation to the memorial? Jesus only had members of the anointed with him in the upper room. Can you show me in scripture where the "great crowd" has the right to attend the memorial? Perhaps I have overlooked it,...but I didn't read anything about Jesus inviting certain believers to attend only as observers. I would appreciate a response because I am confused on this issue. Hoping to hear from you. Love, Jeremiah
Do I sound bitter?.....(email to mom)
by *jeremiah* 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
sorry, I don't know how to create proper spacing on my mac.
Her reply: I am sure that you have another motive for asking this question, other than you are really wondering. I will answer it, but I will not go back and forth in debate over this, so please do not respond. I don't want to debate with you. Jesus was the Passover Lamb and the memorial replaced the passover and the covenant that the Israelites celebrated on the very day. Many of the things in the past were representative of or pointed forward to the new covenant and the new Lamb. When the Israelites left Egypt many alien residents (non-Israelites) left with them. They were not a part of the Mosaic covenant, but could benefit by aligning themselves to the nation of Israel. They were also under obligation to keep all the laws including celebrating the Passover. (Ex. 12: 14-19) So like them we deeply love and appreciate of what Jesus did for all mankind. We go as observers of that wonderful covenant that Jehovah instituted for the good of all who want to benefit from it. It makes me sad that you are so bitter. Holding grudges and bitterness never is healthy. I love you and think of you often.
You don't sound bitter but you do sound like you might have been listening to some aposta - talk...
...and my reply: Mom, Thank you for responding. From the content of my email,...I'm not sure why you think I'm full of bitterness and holding grudges. I don't really understand what you mean by that. I remember going to the Memorial at the Kingdom Hall for seventeen years of my life. In all sincerity,...with the Memorial coming up and reading through the scriptures,...I am truly wondering what the answer is to my question. When I was a Jehovah's Witness, I don't remember what the scriptural teaching is on this matter. Also,...through regular bible reading, I haven't personally come across a clear explanation. Forgive me if you found my original email bitter sounding,...but I reread it and I don't feel that I came off that way. I also don't have any grudges towards you, Micah, Mark, or any Jehovah's Witnesses for that matter. Of course,...we both know I have different views from some of the teachings of the Jehovah's Witness organization, but I am not holding personal grudges towards anyone in particular in the organization. In your response you gave me the definition of what the Memorial is and I appreciate that, but you didn't answer my question. I understand the what and why of the Memorial. You stated: We go as observers of that wonderful covenant that Jehovah instituted for the good of all who want to benefit from it. This is also something that I already understand and that is why I asked my question. In the old testament there are many traditions and scriptures that pointed to Jesus' coming and the new covenant. In the new testament the new covenant is explained and Jesus himself sets up the tradition of the Memorial. So in the new testament I would like to be shown where Jesus or Paul explained a tradition where believers are to attend the Memorial but not to partake of the emblems. I went to www.watchtower.org the official website of the Jehovah's Witnesses,...but I couldn't find an answer to this question. PS, I really don't have any bitterness,...in fact,...I would love to have a relationship with you guys again at anytime. My life will always be open for you guys to enter it. I love you guys no matter what your personal beliefs are and would love to get together and be a family again. If you guys are ever open to this all you have to do is call.
Righto, Crumpet,...she Knows I'm apostate. I don't hide it. Yet,...I really wasn't trying to sound bitter. I sincerely would like an answer.
Merry Magdalene
No, I don't think you sounded bitter. Hers is probably a conditioned response--anyone who asks questions that in any way call into question what JWs are doing or how they are doing it are seen as a threat. Asking them to think about things that the WT hasn't directed them to think about is a threat. But, to be honest, we do have ulterior motives when asking such questions and they do rightfully pick up on that. What they don't realize is that our motives are not usually bad ones, although, because they threaten the established order, they will be perceived that way. It's a sticky situation.
Best wishes,
your email did not sound bitter at alll....
I am sorry that she thought that, but you can tell that she loves and misses you very much....
They cannot answer your question, but hopefully you have planted a seed of doubt in her mind
Wish you all the best, jeremiah
"When the Israelites left Egypt many alien residents (non-Israelites) left with them. They were not a part of the Mosaic covenant, but could benefit by aligning themselves to the nation of Israel. They were also under obligation to keep all the laws including celebrating the Passover. (Ex. 12: 14-19)"
If you sincerely want to get to the bottom of it then do some research into the above. Your mother has apparently missed an obvious contradiction in her above statement: she is correct that the alien residents actually celebrated the passover. If the 'great crowd' are the modern day equivalent to the 'alien residents', and the alien residents actually PARTOOK of the passover meal just the same as the Israelites did, then how can it be that the great crowd are prevented from PARTAKING of the emblems at the memorial, (whether or not they are in the new covenant)?
Ask her that. -
Numbers 9:14
" ' An alien living among you who wants to celebrate the Lord's Passover must do so in accordance with its rules and regulations. You must have the same regulations for the alien and the native-born.' "