I'm surprised she is talking to you if she knows you are apostate...she's already contravening the major taboo of her religion, perhaps there is hope for her yet!
Do I sound bitter?.....(email to mom)
by *jeremiah* 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I think it is a fair comment-the alien resident who did NOT do what the israelites did in the custom of the passover were to be cut off from israel, just as anyone who did not follow the passover rules/traditions. Therefore, it is obvious what the 'great crowd' should be doing at passover. Partaking.
THanks for bringing this up by the way. I never thought of that question-its a good one!
And you didn't sound bitter, you merely presented a question that the JWs (your mom) did not want to answer-one that makes them uncomfortable.
Indeed the tone of your letter is very natural and at ease but the dubs are conditioned to think that anyone questioning issues so profoundly must be a bitter opponent. They do not understand that they cut themselves off from the New Covenent and all its benefits by not participating and that there is no real Biblical backing for such a non participating class among Christians (if the dubs can be called such).
I am sure that you have another motive
THAT IS a conditioned response. The motive of the person when a question is asked. Never mind the question. You did fine and your comments to her were not bitter at all. Be glad she does talk to you. Keep the questions light and short. Small amounts of apostatalk is easier to take.
There is no way you could ask an intelligent question to a JW and not be labeled apostate and/or bitter. Since no JWs actually QUESTION anything outloud, hence you must be apostate by elimination. Even if you ask questions that they themselves have asked but not dared to speak...you are apostate because you dared to even VOICE such a thing.
So...its a lose lose scenario. It was great tho that you declared that your love is unconditional and that the door is open to the day...God please....that the WTS decides that families shouldnt be driven apart by sanctions, fear and hatred because some of them start <gasp!> thinking on their own and bow out.
And then we were told to invite EVERYONE- even those knowing little of the Bible! Blows my mind! (Tract)
Her reply: I am sure that you have another motive for asking this question, other than you are really wondering. I will answer it, but I will not go back and forth in debate over this, so please do not respond. I don't want to debate with you.
Why do ALL JW mothers sound exactly the same?..............
Anyone else want to say " I have SEVERAL motives for asking this question, but am now wondering at yours for failing to answer it. My motivations don't change the answer do they? So answer already!"
No, Jeremiah, it has nothing to do with bitterness, because your tone in both e-mails is sincere, respectful and even loving. Mom is just holding true to the principle of,
When cornered by logic and fact, attack the other side on a personal level.
It is the last refuge of the seriously out-gunned.
You dont sound bitter, just would like a reasonable reply and not something from rote, your mother stated
Jesus was the Passover Lamb and the memorial replaced the passover and the covenant that the Israelites celebrated on the very day. Many of the things in the past were representative of or pointed forward to the new covenant and the new Lamb. When the Israelites left Egypt many alien residents (non-Israelites) left with them.
Yes however all tribes partook of the manna, the bread from heaven, not just the preistly tribes. Christ also said in John 6:48-58, that one must partake to get life and remain in unioin with him and not an organization, he also stated in verse 51' if "anyone" eats of this they would get life.
Choose between believe Christ or men.