End of quarter 1 Review - survey/poll/quiz - fluffyish

by Crumpet 27 Replies latest jw experiences

  • RichieRich

    Mentally: I'd go with a 9. My work stimulates my mind, and I love soaking up as much knowledge as possible.

    Financially: I'm going with an 8. I've just over tripled my monthly income since November of last year. But until I'm in my own home, things could be better.

    Emotionally: 10. I think I was always strong emotionally, but I don't see how honestly I can feel any better with things.

    Sexually: 9. Just because I had to sit out a few weeks while I was healing some piercings...

    Friendships: 9. I meet new people, and either bring them in close or push them away. The one's who come in close are the best, though.

    Family relationships: 2. I obviously haven't talked to my mother in almost a year. I talk to my father maybe once a month, but its never father / son stuff, its always dumb and awkward and short. I've got good extended family, but I don't talk to any of them that much. But it doesn't hurt so bad, because everything else is pretty awesome.

    Work/Occupation/Education: 10. I work 3 jobs that I love. (Ok, 2 I love, 1 that pays well) The first is doing research for a university. the pay and hours and benefits are awesome. Hands down. Piercing is a passion and something I realllly enjoy doing. And working security at the bar is fun. It has challenges, but its really just a good feeling to be there.

  • Crumpet

    Richie - let me in closer!! So what is the research you do for a university. That sounds totally like the job I would want. I've always wanted to be in research but never known how.

  • Crumpet

    But Crumpet, i don't want to go blind

    or get hairy hands

    Sad emo the blindness is a fallacy - my eyesight is still going strong after 20 years.

    And the hairy hands - well there is always nair or Bic!

  • RichieRich

    Crumpet, I work with turfgrass (think golf course grass) weeds. There's a whole sub-department for it here at NCSU. I get a government truck (06 Tahoe, anyone?) and free benefits.

    Its easy, really repetitive, and honestly, for the most part, boring. AND it pays well. Can't beat that.

    I do the research and get the data, then the Doctor's write the papers and publish them. I even get a little metion in the acknoweldgments section!

  • WingCommander


    Allow me to be the first to offer ANY of my services to you in order to alleviate you of your said loneliness and/or other departments. You are definetly worth leaving the colonies and flying across the pad to visit!!

    I'd have to say it's been great seeing all of your different pics show up this past year! lol.

    - Wing Commander

  • LeslieV

    Crumpet, you asked why I liked my job, and what did I do. I have worked for The Salvation Army for over 13 years. 9 of them running a Domestic Violence shelter. My education is in counseling. Then for 3 years I ran their Emergency Financial Assistance Programs and Disaster Services. Now I am the Divisional Director of Disaster Services for all of New York State except NYC. I took the job mainly due to the fact it is completely different then anything that I have ever done, and after working with survivors of 9-11, the hurricanes etc wanted to reach out in this capacity. Also, if you looks at the faces you see representing FEMA etc very few are women. That also was a large factor in my decision to take this job. I wanted to make sure there was a path for young woman if they were interested in mostly a male dominated field. If you are interested google my name and you will read alittle about me. Believe it or not it lists me as an ex-JW.

    Leslie Vattimo

  • Crumpet

    Thanks leslie - I will!

    Wing Commander -


    Allow me to be the first to offer ANY of my services to you in order to alleviate you of your said loneliness and/or other departments. You are definetly worth leaving the colonies and flying across the pad to visit!!

    I'd have to say it's been great seeing all of your different pics show up this past year! lol.

    - Wing Commander

    No need to leave the colonies. Crumpet is coming to the Texas colony for the apsotafest in 30 days time!

  • serendipity

    First quarter sucked. Second quarter has to be better.

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