Mentally: I'd go with a 9. My work stimulates my mind, and I love soaking up as much knowledge as possible.
Financially: I'm going with an 8. I've just over tripled my monthly income since November of last year. But until I'm in my own home, things could be better.
Emotionally: 10. I think I was always strong emotionally, but I don't see how honestly I can feel any better with things.
Sexually: 9. Just because I had to sit out a few weeks while I was healing some piercings...
Friendships: 9. I meet new people, and either bring them in close or push them away. The one's who come in close are the best, though.
Family relationships: 2. I obviously haven't talked to my mother in almost a year. I talk to my father maybe once a month, but its never father / son stuff, its always dumb and awkward and short. I've got good extended family, but I don't talk to any of them that much. But it doesn't hurt so bad, because everything else is pretty awesome.
Work/Occupation/Education: 10. I work 3 jobs that I love. (Ok, 2 I love, 1 that pays well) The first is doing research for a university. the pay and hours and benefits are awesome. Hands down. Piercing is a passion and something I realllly enjoy doing. And working security at the bar is fun. It has challenges, but its really just a good feeling to be there.