On to the order of the phoenix. At first I hated this book, on the second read, I loathed it, Than it started to grow on me. I realized that the reason I hated the book so much was because J.K.Rowling, was such a good writer. She succeded in making me absolutly hate one delores jane umbridge. This has got to be the worst character ever. Most story's have the villian you love to hate(kinda like my moniker.) Or you have the villian Thats just delicously cruel and wicked(like a certain he-who-must-not-be-named.) But with Delores Jane Umbridge, my god this witch was just foul,evil and nasty with no redeeming qualities.
Exactly how I felt. I too hated that book, made me feel agitated and irritable. But it was on the second read through that I picked up on a lot of hidden clues.
Is it just me or does it look like they've given Umbridge the Queen's hair style for the film?