I never knew that it was a cult until I was out of the organization after 20 years of being in it. It's only until you leave, you see how really screwed up it is, and how it's really a cult.
My parents say we the Jehovah's Witnesses don't follow human leadership, they follow God and Christ. Which doesn't make any sense to me because they follow the Governbody who are made up of men.
They receive their information from the society, and believe they are god's only channel of communication.
I guess in the Bible Moses was a prophet, and God spoke through him to people. But I can't see a group of highly controlled extremists being in charge.
Many of their rules and regulations are very unreasonable. Not to mention their doctrine changes in the past, and present.
By the Witnesses changing numerous doctrines, is what they were taught in the past wrong since it changed? Is it no longer to be believed ? How would you know what their teaching right now isn't later down the road going to be changed again ? Then not to be believed ?
Seems to me that they really enticed alot of people into their religion with false prophecy. I know one doctrine change that really bothered me personally, it was about the generation of 1914 seeing the end of this system. They stopped teaching that.
Jehovah's Witnesses are blindly following the society. And the Society is not to be questioned by any of it's members. If your a Witness and you do question the society, you will be automatically labelled as an "apostate", and have committed the unforgivable sin. They will kick you out on your ass.
Witnesses don't know what a cult is, perhaps, because the society hasn't made a watchtower or awake article on it. I wonder why ? Hmm.
Now that im out of the organization, I realize what I was into. And as I said before, when your in it, you don't realize anything, the only thing your realizing is what the society teaches you since your under a form of mind control (which is yet another sign of a cult, mind control).