Would you have married a non JW

by JH 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • prophecor

    I was encouraged by a post Witness female that for me to want one who was an ex-witness might bring me no joy at all. I would not be truly washing my hands of the relationship with having once been JW as whole, the organisation and its history, beliefs and social stagnation. I would merely be returning to the mire, not totally breaking free from my past.

    I actually do not think that anyone could understand any better than one who has walked in our shoes, but from both sides of the street.

    Wanted, one Aposta-Babe, all others need not apply.

  • Quentin

    My wife of 35 years was not a jw...our marriage has had it's up and downs, as all marriages have, as to having a wife she is the best thing that ever happened to me... in hindsight had I married a jw my life would have been misrable...

  • Gayle

    No, never, only dated JWs & not much,,then went to Bethel & 4 yrs later married a Bethelite (Nathan Knorr married us at Bethel in '73 and we left in '74, starting a family). We were married 21 yrs & divorced. He wasn't "scripturally free" but remarried 2 mos later a girl (never a JW) but didn't tell her he was a JW & 1 1/2 yrs later she divorced him . He was moving around a lot so I don't think he was ever disfellowshipped. After 11 yrs I remarried a wonderful man, ( never a JW).. He is so supportive and loving,,and he even is supportive of my venting about my past JW life..he can't believe what the religion does so horribly to break up families.

  • Judo

    I did married a JW, but i had no idea what a JW was. my wife and I do not agree in alot of things, but that is marriage. I did try to go to the meetings and found out the JW are very nice, hard working, and helpful people. They are just confuse about the bible and what it teaches, and one of the many things we talk about. So if your going to marry a JW or a Jw is going to marry a no-JW make sure you have a lot of love for each other and pray together it helps. If there is any JW out there reading this, let me just say you guys are awsome A+++++. You go out preach door to door and you really work hard for everyhting you have. But just do yourself a favor, study the organization and the governing body, (past and presant with an open mind.) The organization has a little mind control thing going.. But anyways, have fun and live a good life. Judo

  • prophecor

    I, too, know had I married JW, I would have made a disaster out of some sisters life as well as my own, even more than had she been not. I'm almost glad to have made a mess out a life that didn't belong to a sister, than the worlds that have been destroyed by my marrying outside of the truth. Yeah, some kinda' sick, twisted loyalty, I imagine.

    Still Wanted: One Fantabulous Aposta-Babe!!!

    All others Still Need Not Apply!!!

  • greendawn

    No I wouldn't, given the mentality of those days there was no point in marrying someone that could be executed in a soon to be armageddon. The natural thing would be to marry with someone who had the same faith and was also likely to be more compatible for this reason.

  • lisavegas420

    The truth is I thought the JW men would be boring. I married non-JW's everytime


  • Sasha

    I did. Makes for little conversation. Even with anyone who does not know anything about the Bible!

  • FreeGirl2006

    I went out with a non-dub at age 18 and we talked about getting married, but I just couldn't do it...too much pressure to conform. I then married the requisite jerk dub after doing what passes as dating in dubland for an agonizing 11 years. Now that I am out, I have yet to meet any ex-dub people in the flesh. When I first started dating I thought it would be nice to date an ex-dub because he would understand where I have been (in dub-hell), but I don't think it matters really. I do have some high standards when it comes to men and that at least weeds out a good portion of them right off the bat. I just want some semblance of normal from whomever I date...no weird cult ideas shaping the direction of our lives. I know I would not marry a dub again and I am not even sure about the marry part, but maybe marriage is totally different outside the Borg...at least I sure hope so or what is the point?

  • FreeGirl2006

    Prophecor...love your honesty:

    I, too, know had I married JW, I would have made a disaster out of some sisters life as well as my own, even more than had she been not.

    If only that attitude had prevailed in the Borg....guess that is why your out...you have a conscience!

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