Why are people so afraid to question the authenticity of the Bible...

by zeroday 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    Earlier in the day, I posted my thoughts regarding
    the Bible and as regards the question that is posted
    this is how I choose to answer.

    Whether or not the Bible is God's word, the fact of
    the matter is that it still carries practical guidance
    on everyday living.

    The book of proverbs for instance carries sound advice
    and guidance if an individual is willing to apply it
    in their lives.

    In addition, governments such as the United States and
    Great Britian have inpart used the Bible as a foundation
    or cornerstone for making laws.

    I use the Bible because I think it is practical and time


    The Wanderer

  • Madame Quixote
    Madame Quixote

    Yes, Wanderer, I can agree with that. I can also agree that the bible provides a great many stories and recipes and god-given excuses for infanticide, patricide, fratricide, human sacrifice, incest, drunkenness, genocide and other inhumanity and/or debauchery.

    In addition, the demands of this very anthropomorphic god of the bible include:

    burnt offerings, gold, expensive spices, perfumes and plain old money. (Presumably the Levite priests were a heavily powdered and perfumed tribe of landless, obsessive-compulsive overlords).

    His tastes seem awfully human to me. And "time-tested" as well.

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    Dear MadamQ:

    I am unsure what your position is regarding whether
    or not God exists. However, as a designer I know
    the type of work that goes into design.

    The planning, storyboards, and color schemes
    are absoultely essential if you want to produce
    something that is going to be successful.

    I do not really know if the God of the Bible is
    the same that designed the universe and planet.

    However, if someone were to tell me that things
    just got here by "accident" or "coincidence" they
    would have to have outstanding evidence leaving
    no room for doubt.

    Just my perspective on things.


    The Wanderer

  • Madame Quixote
    Madame Quixote

    Natural selection does not operate as a matter of "coincidence" or "accident;" nor is it an entirely random process.

    The cosmos is a happening not yet explained by evolution, but the idea that it too evolved (in a manner similar to earth and life on earth) is far more credible than the idea that some highly evolved intelligence created it (because that simply begs the question, how did this god of the bible evolve) and how could that theory not be less probable than no god evolving or existing at all?

    It would be a very interesting prospect if god's existence were to be proven, though. It is quite unlikely, though, that any god at all had a hand in evolving our planet and its life, from the perspective of most accepted scientific research and study in the field of biology (and genetics).

  • Madame Quixote
    Madame Quixote
    outstanding evidence leaving no room for doubt.

    For me the "outstanding evidence leaving no room for doubt" is in the very non-random, bottom-up nature of evolution by natural selection, a very well-founded and solidly established theory of life on earth. The philosophy of creationism cannot hold a candle to it.

  • jaguarbass

    People on this site are just recovering from being abused salespeople for a sales company that puts out bad literature. Many of them are not ready for the reality that Christianity and the bible are the false grandadys of the Watchtower bible and tract society. Many of them must jump out of the frying pan of being a witless and into the fire of being a christian. Many will never see the light. Because they are sheep by their own admissions. And sheep arent that bright. Those that claim to be whales and wolfs probably know what you are talking about. And those that are still sheep, I think it is a personal evolutionary process to come to see reality, light and the truth.

    Each person must work out their own salvation. The salvation is being saved from the false hood of the bible and christianity.

    Here is a link that will give bible thumpers something to think about.


  • jaguarbass

    Wanderer you think the bible is practical and time tested. When the evil men are at your door and they want to have homosexual sex with your gentlemen visitors ,you are going to give them your virgin daughters like lot did and protect your male visitors that you dont even know. That's not practical to me.

  • Abandoned

    Wanderer you think the bible is practical and time tested. When the evil men are at your door and they want to have homosexual sex with your gentlemen visitors ,you are going to give them your virgin daughters like lot did and protect your male visitors that you dont even know. That's not practical to me.

    Excellent point. Really looking at what many of the object lessons in the bible actually teach is more than enough proof that this isn't some enlightened guide on how to live a successful life.

  • bigmouth

    "..well-founded and solidly established theory of life on earth.."

    Mme. Q, I think your statement above might be a contradiction in terms! ;)

    On another thread I said that I felt that both belief and non belief required a measure of faith.
    If God exists he is not the sort of person I would recommend imitating. But if I have to believe in purposeful creation or evolution I will have to plump for a creator.

    I don't know how he got there, but I don't know where inorganic matter came from either.

    My head hurts.

  • Confession

    An excerpt from one of my favorite Jack Johnson songs, "It's All Understood," from the album, "Brushfire Fairytales." Do go here and listen to a clip if you like...

    But the good Book is good
    And it's all understood
    So don't even question
    If you know what I mean

    But it's all relative
    Even if you don't understand
    Well it's all understood
    Especially when you don't understand
    And it's all just because
    Even if we don't understand
    Then lets all just believe

    But there you go once again
    You missed the point and then you point
    Your fingers at me
    And say that I said not to believe
    I believe
    I guess
    I guess it's all relative

    This song used to play over and over in my head a few years ago, as I was beginning to figure out things were not as previously accepted.

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