"Whether or not the Bible is God's word, the fact of
the matter is that it still carries practical guidance
on everyday living."
> Moot point. As others have pointed out, I would challenge you to provide a single example of some edict, advice or suggestion contained exclusively within the bible, that you could not just as easily find browsing through the self-help section at Barnes & Noble, or even within the pages of the great authors such as Dickens, Tolstoy or Dostoevsky.
"The book of proverbs for instance carries sound advice
and guidance if an individual is willing to apply it
in their lives."
> For example? I doubt there contains any advice within "Proverbs" that any normal individual raised within a civilised culture would not simply pick up with life experience. And moreover, should we follow the other examples of barbarism in the old testament, such as "stoning" disobedient children?
"In addition, governments such as the United States and
Great Britian have inpart used the Bible as a foundation
or cornerstone for making laws."
> Most civilized countries have abandoned capital punishment, which is really the most obvious "biblically" derived "law of the state".....Pretty much everything else, such as the legal ban on abortion, treating women like second class citizens (which is most certainly a common theme in the old testament), etc etc have been abandoned by most industrialized, modern nations.
Even more remarkably, most civilized countries have modified or adopted "Charters of Rights and Freedoms" that explicitely CONTRADICT the ancient laws and moral codes promoted by this ancient book. Many countries now have legalized marriage and/or civil rights for gay people, protection of minorities, laws regarding gender equality, choice for safe, legal abortions, etc etc.
In summary, if you really want to view what a society following ancient morality written thousands of years ago would look like, take a trip to Afghanistan and spend a few weeks in a "Taliban" controlled village for a real taste of that "old time religion"......