Are you a "Leader" or a "Follower"?

by JH 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    I'm a "loner", so no one is following me, and I'm not following anyone.

    Maybe I tend slightly towards being a follower, but it better be worth my time, or I'll be back to a loner once more.

  • J-ex-W

    Depends on context. Totally.

  • LittleToe

    I'm gregarious and while I'm happy to swing with the crowd I'm not really what you'd call a follower. If I get bored I'll probably be found mixing it up and creating my own fun. Fortunately it isn't usually too many miles from other people's tastes, so faux pas' are relatively rare.

    Leader? Sometimes, but I'm happy enough in my own skin to let others take that role if they really wish - unless they are real asswipes, in which case they aren't long for the role...

  • Abandoned

    I'm a bit of both.

    I don't have any problem taking instructions from people I respect. Even if I don't respect the person, I can follow with a smile if I know how doing so fits into the realization of my dreams.

  • sexyk

    I'm a leader since I don't believe in organized religion anymore. And I left an organization that had many rules.


  • JH

    I don't know if it's fair to portray elders as "leaders" and ordinary witnesses as "followers".

    Maybe a natural "leader" will be tempted to become an elder more than a natural "follower"

  • What-A-Coincidence

    I would say I am like you JH ... cept my teeth aren't as sharp

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    If the situation warrants having a leader I will step in and do what I can

    But if there are good leaders already I'll sit back and let them do it.

    My real problem is when the leaders suck - Then I turn into the unspecified leader and stick up for the underdog

  • purplesofa

    I can be a very good follower at times.

    But mostly I do my own thing and rather be on my own.

    Not really wanting to be responsible enough to be a leader.

    I think the happiest people know when is the right time to lead and when to follow.


  • Merry Magdalene
    Merry Magdalene

    Sometimes one, sometimes the other, sometimes neither.


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