In the early seventies, we were preaching in Jewish territory, myself and a number of others were mobbed by the Hadsidim sect in Boro Park Brooklyn. We suffered car damage, loss of our personal effects and physical injury, a phone book that had the phone numbers of the members in the congregation was used to call and threaten physical harm to us, even saying to my wife that some of us were already dead.
We went to the police station to press charges, the mob showed up and mobbed the station. I'm going to leave out the rest of the details. The society told us not to sue or press charges back then. Some time later it was issued that when we go door to door we are not to mention that we are from the Watchtower Society, rather that we are from the local congregation and we had a card issued to us to that effect.
Later, new instructions came down that only two were to go in the Jewish territory, go to the corner work three or four doors then get out of there as fast as you can.
This mobbing event, which was not the first time, was later put in the Watchtower, in the back, called Watching the World.
Blueblades ( btw. one of those working with us was of the annointed and a long time Belthelite.)