Could This Kill The "Preaching Work"?

by metatron 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Kudra

    can you imagine the WTS doing something like this??

    "For readers who find the $17 million verdict excessive, please note that the victim offered to settle for $3 million last Septemeber, but the church refused."

    yeah, right!

  • FireNBandits

    They do TELEMARKETING? Could you elaborate a bit?

    Anyway, I think this is a great development. I would LOVE to see the complete and total DEMISE of ALL organized religion! Religion should be personal and private, not a public nuisance as organzied religion is. People should practice it privately, or with family and a few friends at most, in their homes. That way no one gets rich off of it, and it doesn't become some huge wealthy org that bullies people politically or economically or both, getting away with buggery and worse. Religion is the worst thing, next to disease and death, that ever happened to humans. I would love to see the complete downfall of the WTS! Man, I would run down the street yelling "She has fallen! She has fallen! Babylon the Great has fallen! God's Kingdom rules! -Martin

  • metatron

    Generally, there is a reluctance to sue the Society but this is changing. With more and more

    Witnesses becoming superficial, the only remaining obstacle will be fear of the Legal Dept.

    but as more settlements are gained, this too will change.

    I thought the response from the blog's author was fantastic. Good Work, Jeff!


  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    AK jeff ; nice work getting a response from this guy. since this guy is willing to return e mails. i think he should be asked some harder questions like about dying from no blood. etc. he can also be informed that the wts is very heavy into legal matters. and has 1000's of inc's. to protect their $$$$$$$. and a few links about blood may give him something to chew on. john

  • zack

    Hi gas prices will kill the preaching work around here for sure.

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