Words Jehovers Witnesses Pronounce wrong...

by vomit 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • watson

    The elder that gave the talk this week in our Service Meeting on "extemporaneous" speaking, couldn't pronounce it. He tried a couple of times, then gave up and avoided using it in the rest of his talk.

  • okie46

    "We are sorry, we made a mistake"

  • looking_glass

    Depends on where you are from. I have friends from the land of Oz and they hate everything that comes out of an American mouth. According to them, we over pronounce everything and even add extra sylabels. Of course I beg to differ. But I can say this, while traveling in Europe I could never understand someone with a Welsh accent. While traveling in the southern states, I cannot understand people w/ thick southern accents. I like the midwest nasal accent the best. Though I have had friends make fun of me for using the term "pop" and saying Wizconnson (sounds more like I am talking thru my nose then my mouth).

  • undercover
    The TMS conductor in a hall I attended pronounced the "t" in "apostles". Used to drive me nuts!

    Before I left we had several brothers from South Africa move to the area and they all pronounced the "t' in "apostles" as well. The first SA brother I heard do it, I figured he just didn't know better, but after I heard other SA brothers pronounce it the same way, I assumed that that was the way the word was pronounced in South Africa.

    We had one brother who must have been a Baptist preacher before joining the JWs. All of his talks sounded like the preacher on the Simpsons..."and GawdaA said unto Mosessssessss..."

    Being from the Southern US, one word that was misprounounced a lot was "born" as in "born again". A lot of rural people, including JWs, would say "borned again". Constant reminders were given from the TMS on how to pronounce it properly. One elder even proclaimed anyone who continually pronounced it incorrectly as "ignorant" and as JWs we would never want to look ignorant by misprouncing words...and then he would go on to pray to "Jehover".

  • Moomin

    lol @ okie - They definately pronounce that sentence wrong, its as though they never even say it.

  • orangefatcat

    how about the words,

    either ----- some will say it eether or eyether

    same with the word----- neither.

    or what about those word whiskers. ummmm ah eh a .

    even in pronouncing the word America you'd get Amareica, like the way Ricky Dicky use to say My fellow Amaricans. That was funny.

    so you say tomatoe or potatoe, others say tatmato or patato.


  • LovesDubs

    Ok is it NEEEEESAHN 14 or NISSIN 14?

    My poor husband always ended up with the talk on that before the memorial somehow and we could never remember if it was like the CAR, NEEEEESAHN..or NISS...or what. LOL

    And they would say unorganized instead of disorganized.

  • sir82

    We had an elder who pronounced "Christendom" as "Crishendom"...drove me bonkers. I think he thought "Well the "t" in "Christian" is kind of a "sh" sound, so obviously the "t" in "Christendom" must be the same."

    Going way back, there was an elder who pronounced "Har-Magedon" as "Har-MOG-adun".

    I love how sometimes the WT conductor or CBS conductor completely butchers a word from the platform, then, so as not to show him up, the reader & every comment thereafter mispronounces the word the same way.




  • IP_SEC
    Your preaching to the choir Gumb

    As long as we're being anal about things...

    Your and You're

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