Please "Study" With Jehovah's Witnesses, I beg you!

by AK - Jeff 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    If you are a former Jw, or just one who is interested enough in the cult to spend time here on JWD, I emplore you to accept a 'Bible Study' with Jehovah's Witnesses when they next call and offer.

    By so doing, and having of course a full knowledge of the doctrines and practices they employ, you have a special opportunity!

    You can use the study for the following;

    • Plant doubts in the minds of sincere people.
    • Cause them to spend time with you that would otherwise be spent 'converting' the unaware.

    IF you are a Christian, there are tons of books out there to show you how to do so.

    IF you are not a Christian, the same books can show you how to gently undermine the lies they have been taught.

    Unfortunately for me, and likely for many others here, the Jw's know our past, and don't come here. Even if they did, I would not be able to pull it off as a former Jw of 40 years in this area. But many of you could.

    I know that many will ballyhoo the entire matter. That is not the intention of this thread - to cause a firefight. I just know that Jw's are sincere and decent people [for the most part], but the cult they promote is destructive. This is something positive that can be done for the communities in which we live. It is not for all - but hopefully some who have just considered Jw's a pest [and they are of course], might shift paradigm long enough to see how they can use what they have learned here in a positive light.

    Of course this is not a new idea. Just a reminder that is sometimes overlooked. And a little sappy I know.


  • DJK


  • jgnat

    I tried it. Frustrating and futile for both student and teacher.

    I don't like "cold calls", unwilling listeners. I prefer to plant a seed, and answer when I am asked. The curious, I figure, will find me.

  • nvrgnbk
    And a little sappy I know

    I don't think it's sappy at all Jeff!

    It shows your genuine concern for both the Witnesses and their unsuspecting potential victims.

    As you note, pulling it off is another matter entirely.


  • Perry

    I admire folks who can pull this off, I know that I can't. I' ve seen the tapes and marvel at those that have this ability. It was a seed planted while in field service by a nice but educated Christian lady that eventually germinated that did it for me. She told me how Christians are aware of the Paradise earth, that took the wind out of my sails. I jumped around the bible trying to find something wrong with her, and couldn't.

    I felt shame for the first time for what I was doing. I knew that I wanted to "capture" her and that that capture would probably result in her becoming like me. What right did I have to bring her under the authority of the WT when she seemed to be just fine with God now?

    I still remember that conversation like it was yesterday although 15 years have passed. Seeds do work.

  • dedpoet

    It's an interesting idea Jeff. It's not something I could do as I live where I lived when I was a jw, so it woulf have to be someone new to the area for me to fool them, but for anyone who can pull it off it could be woth it.

  • Junction-Guy

    Im having a study too, I cant share the details just yet, but maybe someday I will.

  • ANewLeif

    I could do this. The only people who know I had any connection to JWs is the one guy I work with at this school. He is out but his wife is still in.

    Should I ask him how to go about it?


  • daystar

    Perfectly understandable intention. I however, have little intention of interfering with anyone's path. For myself, and others, the struggle to emerge from such a restrictive religion is much like a birthing process.

    If you find a butterfly cocoon and you try, with the best of intention, to help the little lady out of her cocoon by prying it open, she will be unable to fly. Her lone struggle against the cocoon to free herself strengthens her so that when she has done so, her wings will spread to their full breadth and she will then be as free as destiny has intended her to be.

    Were a Witness to visit my door, I would likely simply drop a few words into their ears, that they may more closely examine any doubts they may already have.

    I can recall that one thing which hit me hardest was the fact that "the world" was not so nearly as full of misery as the WBTS taught me, that, in fact, there were many, many people that were much happier than I had ever been.

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    jeff: good idea, and i have done this many times , in the past. i have lost the element of surprise in my area. i now use the fast approach, twist a jw on most any topic they bring up. plant my seeds, them offer them a study, or embarrass them for not know knowing what they are talking about. either way. I never shy away. i'm willing to go as far as they can stand. the trick is to learn who you can help , and the ones that are a waist of time. sometimes you get get more done in 15 minutes with a weak jw. than years talking with a total zombie. it's the law of averages. try to talk to as many jw's as possible. you never know who you will help. even if yoiu never see them again. john

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