Do You Still Act Like A Jehovah's Witness?

by prophecor 44 Replies latest social relationships

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    I don't know if Warlock is being sarcastic, but I think he's onto something. I have found that every time I go out of my way to treat people the way I want to be treated I end up holding the bill. I'm tired of being a doormat. So, if they treat me badly I don't return any great effort to show "Undeserved Kindness." I give people deserved kindness and the rest I just move on. No more mister nice guy beyond that which is deserved.

    Living with less guilt and feeling safer through reasonableness,

    W.Once (of the the you wont get me again class)

  • ex-nj-jw

    I've said it before and I'll say it again - JW's are not the only people on this earth who have good manners, dress well, are polite, are willing to help others, are honest, don't use bad language...etc...;.

    When I was growing up in the jdubs, they were worse than the "wordly kids", they cussed more, had more sex, drank, just to name a few, then they would sit in the KH with there watchtowers and awakes and act like good little dubbies!!! I hated it.

    For the most part JW's are not different than anyone else, they eat, sleep, piss, and shite just like the rest of us, the only difference is that they think they are better than everyone else!!



  • prophecor

    Powerful replies from all of you people, even the sarcastic ones. It's refreshing to hear so many differing points of view. I really enjoy being who I am these days, apart from all the past JW twisting. I'm finding myself to be quite a bit more authentic. I'm actually rather fun to be around, at times. At least that's what my co-workers tell me.

    I pride myself on being able to laugh and heartfully converse and associate with those we at one time would have considered " Worldly People" . They are some of the greatest people on the planet I've come to know. It feels good to carry some of the badges of having once been JW, but I take the world for way more than what we've been told is its worth.

    The planet can be a nice place, even amidst all the khaos & konfusion. I no longer feel the need to rely on pre-programmed behavioral responses to all of lifes moments. I'm a work in progress, and the work is becoming a pleasure.

    Thanx all.


  • Liza

    When I was growing up in the jdubs, they were worse than the "wordly kids", they cussed more, had more sex, drank, just to name a few, then they would sit in the KH with there watchtowers and awakes and act like good little dubbies!!! I hated it.

    An ex Bethlite once said that in Bethel, there are parties with more debauchery than Spring Break.

    I wouldn't be suprised if there was also a statue of a golden bull.

  • Sparkplug

    The planet can be a nice place, even amidst all the khaos & konfusion. I no longer feel the need to rely on pre-programmed behavioral responses to all of lifes moments. I'm a work in progress, and the work is becoming a pleasure.

    Thanx all.


    and Art...That is why we love you so!

  • Sparkplug
    for so long before your real self floats to the surface and refuses to sink to the bottom of your soul anymore. So what you are left with is basically who you really are. Maybe the fact that you are noticing your own politeness and other virtues is because you live among the people who do not value these as highly but I assure you those things were written in accepted social etiquette long before Charles Taze Russell invented his religion.

    I thought you summed it up well here, personally.

  • OnTheWayOut
    Are you still acting like one of Jehovah's Witnesses, in spite of all that you know regarding the truth about "The Truth?"

    I am much more relaxed than before around coworkers and worldly people (JW term, not mine)
    As a JW, I was always leery of the cigarette smoking, porn watching, cussing, alcohol-abusing types of behavior.
    Now I know that people are just people. I don't want them to blow smoke at me, but if they smoke or cuss, they
    aren't going to get everlasting destruction. I don't need to constantly avoid them or their opinions.

    Do I watch my language and manners because I learned better while a JW, yes, but politeness and
    maturity go hand-in-hand for many people. Don't credit the JW too much for that.

  • greendawn

    I left the dubs 20 years ago so that issue was resolved long ago but it did take a few years to completely get rid of all their influences. Had the internet been around then it would have occured much faster. I even cooperated with an evangelical group in 1992 to help people that got involved with JWs and other similar cults. Anyone can do it sooner rather than later with persistence in learning about the JW hidden history and devious doctrine and by interacting with support groups.

  • DJK

    I can't say the JWs gave me all my good values. They did however give me the anger I needed to act out with many bad values. After leaving the org I changed my evil ways on my own.

  • Jim_TX

    Naw... I don't think so.

    What others have already stated... the JWs and that religion didn't give me the manners and goodness (or badness) that I have. They just offered a 'script' on how to behave whilst out in public (which may change in private), or at their meetings.

    I feel that I learnt my manners and whatever - from my upbringing.

    I also feel that this post is in the correct forum - relationships - as many ex-JWs are still under the impression that when they look for new relationships - they are limited to only ex-JWs. This is not true - IF - they truly do NOT still 'act like a Jehovah's Witness'.

    Some food for thought. (I hope it makes sense...)


    Jim TX

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