Do You Still Act Like A Jehovah's Witness?

by prophecor 44 Replies latest social relationships

  • agapa37

    Good question Prophecor. From personal experience I see that many who are no longer practicing Witness' do hang on to the core of the moral teachings. Despite their disbelief of it being the truth the morals that are taught come from the bible and are taught throughout most religions. However, I have seen a trend that effects most who leave and someone made a statement that made me think about it.

    I am calm and relaxed in the world now.

    What that translates into is that one becomes more LIKE THE WORLD, thus becoming more comfortable or relaxed to be part of and except it. Keep in mind that is just my opinion from observation.

  • new light
    new light

    No. Just yesterday I told a coworker about my JW past, to which he replied "I never would have guessed that one." That felt good. I feel like I fit right in. If anything I am a little more "worldly" than average, due to purging myself of all faith. Good question, Art.

  • janedoe

    Kinda. I haven't taken up smoking and loose living, but I do like the occasional swear word. Well, maybe more than occasional.

    It's fun!

  • skycaptain

    I feel the same as you lady lee, Being a JW for 36 years has in grained in me all the right values a person should have in society like being morally clean , honest etc, but since recently being dissfellowshiped there are areas in a JW that are really negative, they are only 6 to 7 millon of them on this planet .

    To think they are better than anybody else is so wrong, the phrase they use people in the world . and yet folk in the world can have better values than a JW because they think about the whole planet,instead of preaching about what is bad they are try to deal with the problems to make a better world to live in. I have never seen a JW in a soup kitchen, they scouf at folk like the salvation army , and yet these people like millons of other humans behave more like jesus as they care for there fellow humans, dealing with the hear and now.

  • barbiecon
    Well, I still am and I act like a witness of the true god whose name is Jehovah. But probably not like "a Jehovah's Witness" in that I do copy people.


  • av8orntexas

    No really per say. I was always along with alot of people and everyone before becoming a witness. I remember the brothers and sisters would ask if i had grown up in the thruth ( I had not ) and then comment that I was so well-mannered.. Well isn't that everyone should be ???? If there's anything I've done is n about three occasion I've called a few co-workers Brother/sister...just came right out...and of course I got the craziest of looks,lol !!!!!

    I agree with most here. JW's aren't nice and caring as they think. After hearing the comments here, I've begun to realize that yes most are arrogant and it wasn't just my over analyzing things. The only reason I feel I had the group of friends I did was because I was reg pioneer.If you didn't have a "title" you weren't anybody .I remember in service people would talk badly about those who weren't. I noticed in sentence they would say they were inactive,not progressing, or whatever. But no one made the effort to encourage the person. It was like you had the plague.

    Don't mean to go off topi,but boy....I've had some pent up feelings and thoughts

  • prophecor

    Aviator in Texas, no problem going off topic, in fact you're right on point. And while I'm at it, Welcome to the Boards.

    I'm looking back and realising the cynical views that I held with regard to the world. I was always intersted in the " Body Count " for the days figures while living in this metropolitan, urban envioronment. I used it as a gauge to define why we were in the time of the end and how bad things were getting.

    I used to go out in service and I asked a good friend who helped bring me on board, " What do worldly people talk about? " As if to say that, any and all thoughts and opinions of those who were not of our sort, were absolutely devoid of any relevance in life. Whatever they were involved in was purely pointless.

    I always tell those who I'm truly close to that my mission in becoming a Jehovah's Witness ( My own hidden agenda, hidden even from myself ) was for the purpose of seeking out MY OWN SELF RIGHTEOUSNESS, and not that of Christ Jesus, as he admonished us to do. If not becoming a witness for the right reasons, you will have such a warped, twisted and demented view of every aspect of life.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Greetings Prophecor,

    Great thoughts you and respondents have put forth! I feel we are who we are when it comes to our core personality. I'll be the first to admit that that authentic self can be tweaked way out into the middle of next year. Those who are polite, thoughtful and well-mannered are, and those who are not perhaps never were. This regardless of religious affiliation.
    When I am with JWs, I speak with them in their jargon; I cannot shed it entirely after forty years. With no intention of vacillating between the WT "truth" and the truth of our newly-discovered truth [correct information], I don't feel hypocritical acting as a sort of double agent. At present, in my circumstance of maintaining a delicate balance on behalf of my suffering JW loved ones, I cannot be careless and blow my own cover.
    Thank you for asking this question. Hoping your mother is well, I see you as a very devoted son. That fine trait does not have as its provenance Jehovah's Witnesses.


  • prophecor

    Thanks Co Co, and Geeze it must be one awesome adventure doing covert operations. It would give me a bit of the willies. Always having to look over your shoulder, ( While at the computer ) erasing your foot prints. Watching what you say amongst those who so fluently speak the " Pure Language " ( What the Hell was that all about, anyway ? ) I feel so for you who have family on the inside. Its gotta' be Hell sometimes when you hear the twisted and still need to hold a straight face.

  • Frequent_Fader_Miles

    I would have to say no, as I no longer "attend meetings", "attend conventions", go out in "field service", or any of the other JW activities. However, I don't believe that Jehovah's Witnesses have NOT cornered the market when it comes to good behaviour, or being a responsible member of society. Many members of other faiths exhibit the same good qualities. As a JW, I was always commended for my "graciousness", but even out of the "truth" I still receive complements in that regard.

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