The "three-dimensional" perspective belongs to (relative) objectivity which requires distance (or the ability to move from one place of observation to another). Which is possible either by reflexion after the fact (Nackdenken), or from an outsider's angle. When you're "in" you generally can't afford it.
We cannot expect "believers," activists, militants, apostles, prophets, to be committed and "objective" at the same time. Their very situation requires "either/or," "us and them," "black and white" thinking.
The tolerant picture of diversity we can gather from the variety of views in the Bible or the history of religion was unavailable to most of their actors and writers: they were playing their part seriously, that is, usually in a very intolerant way. It took the irony of time to reconcile them (superficially and through a lot of anachronism and misunderstanding) under the same book cover.