Watchtower Conductor Guidelines

by Black Man 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • nvrgnbk

    Don't these WT a$$holes have bigger fish to fry?

  • Fangorn

    I can't believe this is a very big problem. Most Wt Conductors that I've heard put almost nothing into it.

  • IMHO

    "Kingdom Ministry School Textbook" is referred to a few times in this letter. Is it available anywhere online?

  • Elsewhere
  • purplesofa

    I know many conductors, that were very good teachers that have stopped conducting due to the rigid rules that come from the society. Makes needing to go less and less for even the R/F less needed. Anyone can read a mag at home. Why come and spend an hour having it read to them anymore?

  • jgnat

    What gets me is that they can write about the study in two pages of densely packed paragraphs. Also, due to the "importance" of this matter, the letter gets filed on the permanent file in the Kingdom Hall.

    YET changes in announcing the disfellowshipped or the blood doctrine are read and destroyed.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    I love the part extensive research has already been done. Aren't these the same folks who are always talking about doing deep research and probing the scripture's. I swear the WT$ lives on reverse psychology. They have mastered the art of saying one thing but having the R&F do another.

  • LittleToe

    Yup, even Elders are mostly mindless drones. If not immediately, eventually...


    ray midgely --- nuff said

    Explanation accepted.

  • blondie

    The past of studying the WT and the book study material is revealing.

    In the 20's and 30's my grandfather conducted the WT. But they did not follow the material and at times took one hour to study 3 paragraphs as the old timers discussed more than the "official" material.

    When I was a teenager, there were no specific paragraphs assigned. Thus some groups covered only 8 paragraphs others 4. Thus when they were supposed to reach the end of a book, some groups had to jam 80 paragraphs into one night. It made a challenge for the CO and his wife because they visited one group rather than visiting all at the KH. From time to time old timers drift to the the old ways.

    Brothers also gave their own version of public talks as well. It let to speculation and no "unity" of teaching, hahahaha.


  • Arthur

    It makes me laugh how Witnesses will point to the "unity in thought" as a sign of holy spirit being upon the organization. The reality of the situation is that there is a highly structured, micromanaged program of prescripted meetings where no disagreement is allowed. Disagreement = disloyalty; and possible disciplinary action.

    It reminds me of the Singapore government. They like to brag about the clean, neat, and low-crime atmosphere, but they rarely talk about the tactics which are used to maintain that atmosphere.

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