What things did you do through a mtg to distract yourself?

by FourMs 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • FourMs

    When we were kids, my best friend and I would do each other’s hair. We’d have our barretts and elastics and the whole bit. Then when we got a little older we used to do our nails – nail polish and all . It’s a wonder nobody said anything, just think of the smell of nail polish, it’s a little strong.

    I know when I was really little, I used to sleep a lot through the meeting. One time, I even went pee in my pants while asleep and it dripped down to a ladies loaf of bread that was under my seat. Woops! My mom was mad… not my fault the mtgs were always around my nap time or bed time.

    After my zealous phase of a few years of pioneering and whatnot, I was easily distracted with my kids. My last few mtgs I would do my grocery lists and meal planning through the mtg. I suppose people thought I was taking good notes .

    Anyways, if you feel like sharing your thoughts on this one, post away…


    (I felt like no one was posting today, so I thought I’d think up something stupid to get people going…)

  • Zico

    When I was younger I used to draw a lot of pictures. On the rare occasions I go to meetings now, I like to read the bible. Or, if possible, sometimes I can get away with sneaking one of those comedy Rutherford booklets from the KH library, as they're small and can be hidden in the bible if it's big enough. It's always interesting to look up the scripture a speaker uses and see if he used it in context as well. (Actually, not that interesting, but more interesting than the meeting itself!)

  • brunnhilde

    I used to do my checkbook *snicker*

  • DJK

    I drew pictures on the inside covers of my bible, over the dinosaurs, and in my song book. I had dinosaurs eating Adam and Eve. I daydreamed a lot and slept with my eye's open. I chewed my fingernails and when they were gone I chewed a layer of skin off all my finger tips. I sometimes grabbed strands of hair and pulled them out. Thirty minutes into each meeting I purposely went to the bathroom. In my teen years I knew it was irritating the have someone bump your seat while you were sitting, so I would intentionally do it to some one in front of me at least once just for some reaction. I was a writer even then and I wrote many thing's I didn't want my dad to see. Of all the challenges I have sought or accepted, the kingdum hall was one I had to endure.

  • BFD

    The KH that I attended had the acoustic ceiling tiles. You know, the ones with all the little holes in them. Well, I used to try and count the holes in the tiles! I am so weird.


  • La Capra
    La Capra

    At the Sunday meetings, I would practice holding my breath. Was able to go nearly two minutes by the time I left. I couldn't stay awake at the evening meetings, though. Even when I was a teenanger. This infuriated my mother, which added to the interest. I wrote a screenplay outline and some scenes at the last summer convention I attended. Shoshana

  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate

    Go to the bathroom and masturbate.


  • found-my-way

    disfigure the people in the watchtower

    add more drawn arrows to my song book back cover....

    read my bible

    try and find dirty scriptures lol

    pass notes at the convention - GOOD TIMES!

  • nvrgnbk

    Go to the bathroom and masturbate.

    I actually did that once when a teenager, Bro A! For real!

    More recently, I would fantasize about life a an ex-Witness.


  • Dagney

    Towards the end, brought a "New Jerusalem Bible" to the meeting and read the context and footnotes of the verses they were quoting.

    It was all over after that.

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