What things did you do through a mtg to distract yourself?

by FourMs 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • OnTheWayOut

    I liked to watch the kids.


    Sometimes, you can watch the adults sleeping, snoring-


  • theinfamousone

    i made some awesome caricatures and wrote alot of poetry!!! woooo

  • free2think

    I used to draw pictures on my songbook and bible. When I was really bored, wich was a lot, I used to count how many times certain words were used like Jehovah, God, Jesus etc were used. I know, I was such a loser. But that's about all I could get away with. When I got older I used to talk to my friends and make faces at them and stuff like that. And of course regular visits to the bathroom was always a good one.The dubs must've thought I had a really weak bladder.

  • BFD

    Go to the bathroom and masturbate. -BA

    I actually did that once when a teenager, -Nvr

    And "they" say gay people are pervs. Honestly! dome


  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    When I was younger - I had to pay attention! My mother would randomly throughout the WT study in particular, ask what paragraph we were on, or if they were reading the paragraph, where exactly was he. And I always had to answer at least once during the meeting. God, when it got close to the last few paragraphs I remember scrambling to find an answer.

    During the talk, she'd make me write down all the scriptures quoted.

    When I was older, married - I'd daydream about what hubby and I would be doing after the meeting!


  • greendawn

    I used to fill in with ink the round parts of letters in the books or magazines eg o, a, p, d, b. I had a pen with four different ink colours, four different tips, blue, red, green, black and I used to play with that.

  • crazyblondeb

    Me and I friend would sit together, usually pass notes back and forth. Sometimes, we'd get busted. Alot of times I took care of my little sisters and brother. That way I could get up and go outside. Sometimes, I take care of other's little ones. But mostly, wrote notes, and doodled!!

  • daystar

    Hmm... I actually paid attention most of the time. But when I did get bored, I would write poetry, doodle, look up random things in the bible. Like, I'd look up the Hebrew letters of the tetragrammaton by using the verse headers in, I think it was, Psalms, and discovered that the letters for YHVH should be pronounced Yod Heh Vav Heh.

    I spent a lot of time looking at the picture in the back of my bible of the Holy and Most Holy and how the buildings were lain out, imagining the priests walking alongside the Ark being brought into the Most Holy, laughing at the idea of the priests with what looked to me like a panel of computer controls haing around their necks. *boop-beep-boop-boop* "Danger Will Robinson! Danger!!"

    And, of course, "Oh no!! A dinosaur!!"

  • nvrgnbk

    I spent a lot of time looking at the picture in the back of my bible of the Holy and Most Holy and how the buildings were lain out, imagining the priests walking alongside the Ark being brought into the Most Holy, laughing at the idea of the priests with what looked to me like a panel of computer controls haing around their necks. *boop-beep-boop-boop* "Danger Will Robinson! Danger!!"

    And, of course, "Oh no!! A dinosaur!!"

    OMG! Me too, daystar! I can see we had a similar childhood.


  • nvrgnbk

    Go to the bathroom and masturbate. -BA

    I actually did that once when a teenager, -Nvr

    And "they" say gay people are pervs. Honestly! dome


    Hey! I don't think anyone saw me! Bored 14 year-olds have needs you know!


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