What things did you do through a mtg to distract yourself?

by FourMs 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bonnie_Clyde

    I used to pay close attention at the KH.

    More recently when I discovered the truth about the "truth," but still went to please a certain family member, I took my Spanish Bible along and looked up scriptures. That way I could learn a few words every meeting without appearing that I was not interested in the talks.

  • chelleadam

    I doodled a lot, or picked at my nails. Once, for about a month, when I was a teenager I tried to answer every question asked at the meetings. But only because I thought one of the boys on microphone duty was cute. Other than that I'd do nearly anything to pass the time. I actually went to a couple meetings stoned when I got older. I nearly got busted because everything they said was just so damned funny!

  • nvrgnbk
    I took my Spanish Bible along and looked up scriptures. That way I could learn a few words every meeting without appearing that I was not interested in the talks.

    Muy inteligente Bonnie_Clyde.


  • nativenyr23

    ok. I always either sat with a friend and her parents, or my friend with sit with me and my parents.

    then we'd play the WORD game. We pulled out a piece of paper and would pick a word - Armaggeddon or Tribulation or any of the common trigger words, or if we were really board, we'd pick a "bridge phrase" like "um".....heheheheheee...

    then we'd place a bet to see HOW MANY TIMES a particular brother would use the term, and keep a running tally of the use of the word. It was DOUBLE points if it was in a bible text - so of course, we looked up EVERY TEXT. This was a great game to play because it really LOOKED like we were paying attention - we'd STARE at the speaker and couldn't WAIT for him to call out our word!!!! If we got one that OVERUSED the phrase we'd selected, the game got damn right HALLARIOUS. We'd start LAUGHING every time we caught him saying it!!!! Made the meetings SO much more bareable. . . sometimes they'd be over and we'd be mad cuz we wanted to continue playing!!!

    Probably one of the ONLY things i miss about the meetings. LOL.

  • jaguarbass

    It was always boring. But they had this thing called 1975, and they would say do you want to end up like the people in the paradise book. But when 1975 came and went so did I. Looking back, I guess I did a fade between 75 and 83, although I didnt know thats what it was called, I thought I was just missing a lot of meetings and arguing with my wife about it.

  • greenhornet

    Back in the 60's when transistor radios were cool to have. I would have my radio in my front shirt pocket and put the ear phone on my coller. I have the game on or listen to rock. It was really neat the volume was very very low no one can hear. That only lasted a few meeting until one of my brothers told my mom.

  • truthsearcher

    The last meeting I was at I spent looking up every scripture, making a note of it, and then turning to all the scriptures that I knew contradicted what was being taught from the front. Let's just say the pages were flipping pretty quickly...

  • riverofdeceit

    I would draw funny captions for all of the pictures. The greatest man book was the best for that. I had to get a new one to make new captions. People would read them and crack up, then say that I shouldn't do it.

  • Quandry

    Ha!! I hadn't thought about it in awhile. I used to think about how I could re-arange my closet to make more space, or how I could re-decorate some aspect of the house, or fantasize that my family could go on vacation somewhere and where it would be.

    Sometimes I would try to read in the Bible more scriptures about the topic being discussed, but my elder husband would frown and point to the magazine. We always had to have at least two answers ready.

    Sometimes I would look at the metal chair legs, where they were bolted in the floor through the carpet. You know, it always made me mad that no one ever (except me) cleaned around them. I'd see fingernails, etc. around them.

    I wonder what they do at the hall now when it's time to clean. My husband, daughter, and I always did the cleaning when it was our turn. I would even clean the top of the bathroom stall dividers, as I am tall. They were always dust covered. I would clean the baseboards, etc.-places that no one else wanted to clean. I hope it is nasty looking now.

  • sass_my_frass

    I must have learned to stay still and zone out at a very young age. We weren't allowed to do anything but read the bible stories book; that loses its edge after five or six years though. Still, I mastered the ability to stare at the speaker and be in a completely different world.

    One terrific meeting I came up with the idea of planning my budget using a spreadsheet, and worked out how to project future spendings and try to get my debt in line. By the end I was taking a novel to the district convention to get me through the tedious part between the perve breaks.

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