Alec Baldwin goes off on daughter over the phone

by MsMcDucket 40 Replies latest social family

  • juni

    Very sad.

    Another example of horrible parenting on both sides. Divorce is usually very ugly when there are kids involved cause the idiot parent or parents use them as pawns. I've experienced this personally.

    And I agree. Kim B used it to her "advantage" to release that to the press. And as another poster said horrible things will be said out of frustration and anger.


  • SixofNine

    What a sad, stupid, and vicious bunch we live among; that poll has 66% thinking that Alec's contact with his daughter should be cut off because of this.

  • RunningMan

    Yeah, well what about the time that Kim Bassinger had an affair with Garth to try to get him to kill her husband?

  • anewme

    Looks like the two warring sides need to take a breather for awhile. The situation sounds very unhealthy for the child to be pulled apart like this and in the middle of all this parental drama. Studies show that a peaceful environment is better for children than for them to be subjected to an abusive or violent or disturbed parent. The court will sort this out and rule in the best interests of the child.
    Being recorded calling his daughter "a pig" will damage his visitation rights, plain and simple. That was a big mistake on Daddy's part.

  • UnConfused
    What a sad, stupid, and vicious bunch we live among; that poll has 66% thinking that Alec's contact with his daughter should be cut off because of this.

    OMG - honestly. I've said to my son concerning his room "I don't want to see you live like a pig"

    Not the same I know, but to remove a parent from that child over that outburst is wrong also.

  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    I feel Ms. Basinger's pain; my ex used the same tactics with our daughter. It's very frustrating because you want to protect your children from abusive people, even when that abuser is a parent. I just recieved a text message from my daughter asking if I had heard this tape, which I have not. She replied, "It will sound very familiar." She has often commented on how much Mr. Baldwin reminds her of her father.

    Like Kim, I had to allow visitation, and it turned out for the best.

    IF Kim was successful in cutting-off visitation, it allows him to play the victim...."too bad we don't have a's all because of mean mommy." BUT, what happened in my case is my daughter had ample time with her father, and as she grew, she made her OWN moral judgements about him.

    Long story short, she just landed in CA where she will start her first year of law school this fall. Because of her grades and LSAT scores, the school has granted her "legal scholar" status, and they paid for her to fly there today to see the campus and meet with a personal mentor, awarded her a fantastic merit scholaship, are paying for her books, etc. So, despite her "situation," she has done well.

    OH, BTW, did I mentioned she has not spoken to her father for over three years? Alec will pay; Ireland herself will come back to bite him.


  • anewme

    Unconfused, the trouble is when you get the courts involved every word uttered between parent and child can be used against the parent. Baldwin knows that. They are very ruthless, these custody battles. Wars are what they really are.

  • BizzyBee

    Shame on Kim for releasing that to the media. Not classy.


    What a jackass!

  • frankiespeakin

    I think it's ashame when parents no matter how frustrated resort to verbal abuse, and it is a not good for 2 adults going thru a divorce to use thier children to get revenge on the other mate. That being said, I think it is horrible that they would release this to the public, be it his daughter or wife, somethings should just remain private, I hope the Mr. Baldwin can sue the people that put this on the internet, because some things should just remain private, reguardless if your a celebrity or not.

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