Alec Baldwin goes off on daughter over the phone

by MsMcDucket 40 Replies latest social family

  • BizzyBee

    Just curious - which part do you think was the worst? 'Cuz my dear ol' JW dad said wayyyyyyyy worse to me beginning when I was much younger than 11. "Little pig" almost sounds affectionate compared to what I was called.

    "Straighten your ass out..............." Sounds like a day at the beach to me!

    Seriously, which part did you find most offensive?

  • kwr

    Alec needs a little self-control. Calling his own daughter a pig! Sheesh!

  • MsMcDucket

    We care because an 11 year old little girl is at risk, not only in a physical sense, but also an emotional one as well. Verbal abuse is just as damaging to a person as physical abuse, it destroys ones self-esteem and self-worth that can last a lifetime.

    I agree with you on this Leslie. But, I don't know if the mother was refusing to let her daughter to answer the phone. He knew that the mother was interfering, but he still took out his anger on his daughter. Now, that's not right.

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    For all of you who are minimizing this verbal and emotional abuse on the grounds that poor Alec is so angry and frustrated because of a messy divorce and his wife turning his child against him, did it ever occur to you that perhaps that type of abuse is the exact reason his little girl doesn't want to answer his phone calls? How do we know this is a one time incident? How do we know that Kim and her daughter were not subjected to years of this sort of emotional and verbal abuse and perhaps much worse? If this is how Alec explodes when his phone calls are not answered, how does he react when something really goes wrong?

    We do not know the full history and all the details of their marriage. I'm a private person too, and am not a big fan of airing one's dirty family laundry in public. Sometimes, women and children who have been subjected to years of verbal, emotional, or any kind of abuse have been silenced for years. Part of the healing process is to expose the abuse and the abuser for what he is, so they can no longer hide behide their facade of "nice guy", "pillar of the community", "super celebrity" or whatever guise of "normalcy" they try to present to the world. Many on this forum have been subjected to abuse by elders and family. Some choose to air their grievances publicly and some keep private. We try to understand and respect the reasons underlying both reactions. So, being that we do not have all the facts of the matter, let's not be too quick to jump to conclusions and judge. That's what family court is for. Just consider the other possibilites first.


  • asleif_dufansdottir

    So, let me get this straight...the majority of members of this forum advocates "airing dirty laundry in public" when the laundry in question belongs to the Watchtower, but not when the laundry involves a famous man that a woman has been trying for years to get people to believe is abusive to her and her daughter??

    How hypocritical is it for us to fume and fuss that 'nobody believes how bad it is' when we're talking about crap the WT has done, and crap the WT has enabled abusive men and women to do...and then turn around and say it's "classless" and "bad form" for Kim to release evidence of how bad the situation really is, that *finally* gets people's attention and that they finally believe?

    Even worse, is that we bitch about active JWs who say that apostates are just sour grapes, dirty laundry airing malcontents. And yet we turn around and say the exact same thing about Kim Basinger??

    I don't care how much stress my dad was (is, he's still alive) under, or what I'd done, or how upset he was, he would NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS say such horrifically abusive things to me...when I was 11 or now that I'm in my 40's. My dad loves me, there is a line you do not matter how mad you are your child (tear filled apologies and "you made me act like that" explanations are what abusers do, not loving parents). There is a thing called self restraint which Mr. Baldwin is obviously in need of.

    In my opinion, when you $( up this badly, you don't GET to complain that "it shouldn't be aired"...all that does is enable the abuser. He deserves every ounce of shame that is heaped on his head. Unfortunately, I doubt that he's as sorry he said it as he is that the whole world has heard it.

    And all this "Oh, a divorce is stressfull" and "we can't really hold him responsible" talk is, pardon my French, utter bullshit. A good friend of mine was a psych nurse, and she said her favorite psychiatrist advocated what he called the "loaded gun" test of whether someone could "help" themselves from saying or doing something...if they could control themselves if someone put a loaded gun to their head and said, "Control yourself or die"...then they could control themselves, end of discussion. There are people out there who couldn't pass the 'loaded gun' test, but they are relatively rare.

    He deserves to have everyone he meets know what he acts like when the cameras are off.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Well, my dear Mamma, rest her soul, she wasn't always super nice to me either. But I loved her and I appreciated the nice things she did for me when she wasn't being mean. I would never have been rude to either parent in that divorce situation, not at 11 or 12 anyway. I can certainly understand how a parent can lose it. It's just foolishness on his part to have it recorded like that. Let he who has not sinned cast the first stone. What parent has never yelled at their child or said things they regret?

  • Warlock

    No father should EVER speak to his daughter like that.

    That being said, I have a question:

    Why is the media ready to hang Alec Baldwin, but they are trying to get us to have sympathy for the cold blooded killer of 33 people, Cho?


  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    Why is the media ready to hang Alec Baldwin, but they are trying to get us to have sympathy for the cold blooded killer of 33 people, Cho?

    Because Cho was poor, alienated and mentally disturbed, whereas Alec Baldwin is rich, famous and mentally disturbed. We do love to see the rich and famous fall off their pedestals, don't we?


  • Warlock

    Oh, bullshit cog.

    Such a bunch of bullshit.

    Tell that to the parents.


  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    Which part of what I said was bullshit? You asked why the media would try to make us feel sorry for a mass murderer and villify a celebrity and I postulated a theory. I never said I agreed with it or thought it was right or that I felt sorry for Cho. I'm not even sure you are accurate in your statement that the media is trying to make us have sympathy for Cho. You didn't provide any quotes to show them doing this. I haven't heard or read any such quotes. As for your "tell it to the parents" statement, I wouldn't dream of telling anything to the parents of murder victims except "I'm sorry for your grief and loss". I was also too busy crying over what happened like a lot of other people.

    Please don't read more into my posts than was stated.


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