How do you stand on one night stands? and why? I was really against them and said I never would again.
One night stands
by Crumpet 80 Replies latest jw experiences
I have had a few of them in my dim and distant past, but I wouldn't bother nowadays.
They are potentially dangerous anyway, so I think you would have to know a bit about
the person before agreeing to go on one, and make a friend aware of what you were
doing and where you are going, just in case. -
I think if two ppl (or 3 or 4) want to have sex they should. Given that certain precautions are taken. If it makes one feel rotton or icky they shouldnt do it. Although I cant understand why that would be the case unless the other person had bad BO or something to that effect.
That said, sex with someone you know and respect is much more fulfilling in my opinion.
Im not old fashioned anymore on my sex views.
I had a one night stand nearly ten years ago, and I haven't been able to get rid of him since.
I don't have any moral objection to one night stands, but I don't think some people can handle them on an emotional level, i.e. they want an emotional connection before they have sex with someone, or having had sex with someone they imbue the relationship with an emotional connection that isn't there, and it all ends in tears. And of course, one should always practice safe sex on one night stands.
How do you stand on one night stands? and why?
Well I've heard that standing with your hands on your hips isn't too effective as its a little too camp for some.
Alternatively, if you've been a member of a circus perhaps standing on a night stand is ok, but I think I'd be afeared that I'd simply fall off!
What a topic to wake up to after several beers! You guys are fuuunnnnyyyy!
Well I've heard that standing with your hands on your hips isn't too effective as its a little too camp for some. LT's hilarious
I think if two ppl (or 3 or 4) want to have sex they should. Given that certain precautions are taken. If it makes one feel rotton or icky they shouldnt do it. Although I cant understand why that would be the case unless the other person had bad BO or something to that effect. very profound IP_SEC
That said, sex with someone you know and respect is much more fulfilling in my opinion.
Im not old fashioned anymore on my sex views.
I had a one night stand nearly ten years ago, and I haven't been able to get rid of him since. Wow Fe203Girl!That was some goood standing!
Interesting topic Crumpet.
You mean in theatre?
Well I guess you can judge any performance by what you are left with after it is over.
I knew I could count on LT for the silly jokes! he he!
I agree safe sex is a must. What does one do though when your teeth perforate through the only condom when trying to show off? Who should go to the esso station? The man or the woman?
there is a large potential for disaster in one night stands. Disease. Psycho lover. Possible Stalker. Who knows?
I'm leary of it now.
it's just better when you know and have respect for them.
a world of difference