One of my friends is in a similar situation. She has been stalked by elders for some time, but it is three years on and they come less and less. She told the elders when she first had them coming around that she has things to work out and is not interested in discussing it with them. When they kept coming she got to the point 12 months ago that she told them if they come again she will call the police and get a restraining order against them. That stopped them for a while by recently the arrived at her doorstep again when she was not home and left a note. She rang them again and over the phone told them this was their last warning before the police are called. To this day they have not disfellowshipped her.
She has not said anything against the WTS so she can not be d/f for apostasy. The situation is similar for yourself. However, if the elders want to make trouble they could d/f my friend and possibly you for loose conduct. as loose conduct is defined as Insight on the Scriptures, Volume 2 p.264 " “Acts that reflect a brazen attitude, an attitude betraying disrespect, even contempt for law and authority ." and extended to include being disrespectful to the elders. However this is quite unlikely.