I Government as we now know it, has only a very recent history, it is evolving too like us, and we all know there is a lot of unfairness in government, they build bombs that will keep them in power, they waste money on military to insure they stay rulling, appoint men to lead that are often very insensitive to others,and often many are, racist, nationalist, imperialist, and what have you.
Freedom is just a bi-word, that means servitude, you serve us, we will tell you what to do, what to think.
Just try exersizing some freedom they don't like and see what happens to you: Say you decided one day to not pay your taxes because you didn't like the way they were wasting money, be it on a war they start, or thier big military spending,,or anything that is a reasonable complaint, and see what they will do,, they will take away your freedom, even inprison you, and bully you to live in line with some laws they pass, that are not even good, or that really are just plain none of thier business to interfere with.
Now we know governement seemingly supplies us with what are considered to be good things, roads, education, makes lots of technology possible, and so forth. Notice I said seemingly, that can be debated, for sure. More objectivity is requird to debate this IMO.
So I would think it very probable, that if man evolves in greater consciousness, that government as we now know it will be so unrecognizable in the future, (because it keeps evolving too,) that we today would view it as no government at all> perhaps as we evovle, just like most DNA is *junk DNA, and still part of the dna,, but not used, so it may be with governments in the future.
*Junk at least as we now think it is read, which could be subject to change if the ways they find out how to read DNA .