Xena, you'll never make friends with such a hostile attitude.... I think bgurl's point was that instead of directing so much energy towards self-pity we can help other people. I registered myself at allexperts.com as an expert on JW matters. I get about 3-4 emails a week from sincere people asking detailed and thought-provoking questions about the JW faith. Most are NOT JW but people outside needing information because a loved one is in it or about to be in it. Like Bgurl said, we are in a very unique situation where we can help many others avoid the pain we have suffered.
At my old University they had speakers who would talk about the dangers of cults (cults like the 'boston movement' International Church of Christ loved recruiting new zombies from Universities, especially large universities where incoming freshman might feel lonley and vulnerable) Any one of could contribute to society in that manner.
The wisest man on earth is the man who has made the most mistakes.
As for making friends, I was friendless for a while too..I left at 18 so it wasn't as bad for me I think. But I gained alot of friends from college, from my breakdancing hobby and from doing extra work for movies.
There are a lot of weird, interesting acitivties that will gain you cool friends. Ever heard of a airline courier? YOu get to travel to places like europe and exotic islands for either free or like $50 round trip. The catch? Your hired by companies and private citizens who need something hand-delivered to another area FAST and it is apparantly cheaper to ship heavy items by using your luggage space as a passenger than using fedex or other worldwide delivery services. So the catch is you can only take carry-on luggage.
One of my weird jobs is Theatre Open Checking (www.rapidchek.com) where I get paid to watch movies. Its good money, its on the weekends and damnit, free movies and getting paid for it! that rocks! You work for the various movie studios like warner brothers and new line cinema. You work 100% remotely, they gfedex you the assigments, you go and do them then mail them back, 4 weeks later presto a nice paycheck. Just working like 3-4 hours a weekend I get an extra $6,000-$10,000 a year from that job. During the summer you can make as much as $2,000 a month. You meet a lot of fun people and it's just fun in general.
Another weird activity that pays well is being a movie extra. Depending on where you live there can be a large demand for extras. Your start-up cost is about $15 to register with a casting company and then you get calls asking if you are available to be an extra on a tv show, commercial or film. It pays $100 a day and all the free meals you can eat, and you get to meet the stars. Go to www.soyouwanna.com and look up being an extra for more detailed info.
Hobbies in general are the best way to meet peeps with similair interests. Take up archery, a martial art, squirrel juggling, anything you ahve always wanted to try. Many local community centers offer very affordable programs. For example my local CC offers tai chi for only $50 a month.
But in general, youll find that good, close friends are hard to come by and your lucky to have more than one in your life. Treasure real, unconditional friendship wherever you may find it.