Your View On BREASTFEEDING In Public

by minimus 143 Replies latest jw friends

  • DJK

    Modest feeding is ok with me. I don't think a rest room is appropriate, after all I wont eat in there.

  • KW13

    Personally no problem with it. Obviously i would prefer it if people didn't make it so the whole of a town knew when they did it but otherwise, go for it.

  • janedoe

    I think if you can do it discreetly, so that others aren't made uncomfortable, it's fine. Don't make a big production out of it and let that boob hang right out. And it sure can make that baby quiet and content. The only bad part is when the baby is happily feeding away, and everything's cool, but suddenly there's a loud noise, the baby is startled and pulls away from the breast to look around, and wham, you're exposed to the world and there just might still be milk spraying out! You just gotta laugh.

  • IP_SEC

    What's your opinion? Would it make you uncomfortable? Is it a mom's right??

    Let em fly I say.

  • lonelysheep

    I'm not uncomfortable with it at all because I have done it. It is a mother's right, and hell, it is the BABY's right! It can be done so discreetly that you'd think a woman was simply holding the child. There are shirts and bras made just for the occasion. Add a blanket, and there you go!

    Uptight American prudes need to get over their desire to limit what is obviously a perfectly natural right, and focus on crime and inequity, imo.

    Oh, yes.

    Most places have a public restroom, and there's usually not a problem with going into the restroom to change the child, so why would it be any different having to go into the restroom to feed it too?

    No way. Yuck. It is different because there is not a mother's room in any public ladies rooms 99.9% of the time. No seats, no nothing.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Perfectly natural.

    Who could object to this?

  • happy1975

    I have had two babies (most recently a boy born on 1/15/07) and breast fed them both in public. I never hesitate and I try to be discreet. As for feeding in the bathroom - YOU eat your lunch in a public bathroom and then we'll talk.


  • heathen

    Personally I think it can be done in the car , bathrooms probly aren't cleaner . I'd have a problem with it in some situation such as in a restaraunt or in a movie during a movie . I certainly wouldn't want to see mothers just wipping out a booby right in front of me or anything but wouldn't make a big deal out of it .

  • skeeter1

    I am all for it! Best for the baby, best for mom, and best for society. It's been going on for thousands of years. I've never met a mom who was not discreet about it. Sex is in the mind. A baby on a real breastfeeding boob is not "sexy" but, all the much so, a beautiful thing.


  • ButtLight

    Even though it is natural, and very good for the baby, I dont see the need to whip it out for all to see. I wouldnt want people walking by staring at my breast........ When I breast fed, I always made sure that I had a blanket to drape over myself. Then I think its fine. Everyone knows what your up to....but at least its "under cover"! Breast these days, are not there for just feeding hungry kids........its also a sexual desire for men, (and some women) lol, so...........if your descreet go for it!

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