Your View On BREASTFEEDING In Public

by minimus 143 Replies latest jw friends

  • Madame Quixote
    Madame Quixote

    The only place I wasn't able to nurse my children without feeling harassed was the Kingdom Hall.


    Well, obviously, I am no longer breast feeding, as I am laughing in drunkenness and , well, this just slays me, Fe02:

    If seeing a woman breastfeeding makes you uncomfortable, feel free to put a blanket over YOUR head .


    that's the best eresponse I ve' sseen to that in yrs! gimme another drink and thank gawd I don't have any more babies! They are so adorable, but there's always something to hate the mothers for, isn't there?

  • under_believer

    Discretion shouldn't be required. Forcing women to cover up with blankets so that they don't offend you? Come on.

    To anyone who is offended by the sight of public nursing:

    Yes, we get that you are descended from Puritans. Yes, we understand that you live in and were raised in a country with a ton of hangups about sex and gender. Yes, we realize that seeing a relatively small patch of skin, one which is not reproductively functional and is not genitalia, offends you and shakes you to your very core. Yes, we know that you are sexist and believe that even though it's perfectly ok for men to walk around with no shirts on, it is a terrible sin if women do. We realize that you feel that it is okay for you to judge other people and decide for them what is right and wrong.

    However, I call your attention to the fact that it is now 2007, and that regarding your fear of boobs, most of the other countries in the world have either moved on (Europe) or never went there in the first place (Africa). And if you are offended by the sight of a mother feeding her baby in the way nature (or God, if you like) specifically intends, I wonder if you are also offended by the sight of a farmer milking his cow? By the sight of a dog or pig suckling her litter? By the Animal Planet when they show whales feeding their young? Do these things cause you to purse your lips and shake your head in disapproval? You realize that every time you drink a glass of milk, either a human hand or a piece of steel stroked a nipple to produce that glass?

    Perhaps you'd like to continue down the road of modesty. There are a number of countries in the world that you could look to for really good examples of female modesty. Saudi Arabia comes to mind, as does Iran. Afghanistan was holding up the torch for a while, until they were invaded. Why stop at breasts?

  • Madame Quixote
    Madame Quixote
    breastfeeding is difficult enough in the beginning without people making you feel that you are doing something dirty and disgusting. If I see a mom nursing her baby, I try and encourage her with a comment like, "That is such a beatiful thing to see. Your baby is getting the best gift you can give!"

    . . . so true, truthseeker. Parenting is already such an enormous challenge, from beginning to end. It's no wonder so many women I know are nuts (and I'm pretty sure I can't take personal responsibility for that) There are so many double standards and expectations for women and for their bodies.

    And, what underbeliever said!

  • Crooked Lumpy Vessel
    Crooked Lumpy Vessel

    Perfectly natural. I breastfed my youngster and sometimes I needed to do this in public places. I was very private about it. I concealed it pretty well no one really had a clue. I do remember a sister who had just whipped it out to feed her baby and I think my face went a little red. I just wasnt use to it so opened.

    I hated the conventions where I had to trek up and down those tiny stairs with my newborn to the nursing mothers room. Back and forth....back and forth. Well, finally I just fed the little guy under my poncho and got a few dirty looks.

  • Abandoned

    I don't mind her breastfeeding in public if she doesn't mind me looking...

  • Beep,Beep

    Those who have a problem with breastfeeding have a problem PERIOD.

  • Beep,Beep

    "so why would it be any different having to go into the restroom to feed it too? "

    To which I would ask, "Would you like to eat your meal in the restroom?"

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    It's legal for a woman to a walk around topless here in Ontario. Why would there be a problem with a woman doing a perfectly natural thing like breastfeeding?


  • skeeter1

    It's cold in Ontario, only 1 warm day a year. So, it's easy to create a useless law. Try that law in Miami - it would be used alot.


  • Tuesday

    since this has been the question from many posters:

    To which I would ask, "Would you like to eat your meal in the restroom?"

    Seriously I thought I had answered this in my previous post:

    Hmmmm.... I guess my view of what's in a ladies public restroom is only from the places I cleaned when I was in High School. Most of them that I went to had a changing area complete with chairs that could be sat on. I'm not saying all places do, but all the ladies restrooms I was in cleaning had them. As for me taking my lunch in the dirty disgusting restroom, if there's no break room where I'm working (and once again I worked in cleaning for a while) I had no issue with sitting on the sink and eating my lunch or whatever snack I might have. The child is eating off of his mother's breast, I'm not saying she rubs her nipple on the toilet seat before feeding the child, just like I wouldn't be rubbing my sandwich on the toilet seat or the floor before eating it.
    And maybe I'm picturing the public feeding incorrectly, the way the original post came out to me was that I'm walking down the supermarket isle and next to me a woman whips out her breast to feed her kid. I would be a bit shocked at that and it would probably make me uncomfortable. If I walked by a woman sitting at a table feeding her child with a blanket as some of the people are suggesting here I doubt I would even think she was doing anything but holding her child.

    Apparently everyone here when eating somewhere makes sure their food touches everything in the room they're in.

    "I'm going to eat a burger at Mcdonald's, first things first I better rub the hamburg patty on the floor, take the inside of the bun and rub it all over the table and the seat I'm sitting in, smear the tomato on the window then I can spread all the ketchup down the slide of the kid's play-pen. Then be sure to neatly place it back into my burger and eat it all."

    This just seems like a stupid argument to me, "would you eat your meal in a restroom", my hands are clean, I can put a paper towel down where I'm eating. Eating while sitting on the toilet is not the same thing as eating OFF the toilet the food would be in my lap. I guess the nipple absorbs all flavors from it's surrounding environment, I'll have to remember that next time I'm with my wife; I'll make sure we're in a chocolate factory to ensure maximum enjoyment.

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