People need to eat. Adults and most school age children have some measure of control over when and where they eat. Babies do not. When a baby is hungry, he or she needs to be fed.
My position on breastfeeding is that if you want to be fed when you're hungry, then feed the baby when he or she is hungry. Too many times, I've seen parents set their visitors' "comfort" ahead of their baby's needs. The visitors have come to visit mom in the hospital and to see the baby. The feeding might be awkward because the baby hasn't learned to breastfeed effectively or the mom might be shy. They end up paying for a missed feeding later, though, when the baby wants to feed all night long. The moms are in tears, the baby is howling, the dad is frustrated and sleep-deprived too. One of the things I teach my new moms and dads is to feed the baby whenever the baby shows an interest in feeding. In the first two months or so, a baby can eat between 8 and 12 times in 24 hours. If you have errands to run, often times it is just not possible to get anything done in the very brief interval between feedings, unless you compromise and plan to do a feeding outside the home.
Babies are babies for such a short period of time. There's no reason to get insulted or grossed out if they are breastfeeding in public. Most North American women do their best to be discreet when they breastfeed in public... we just aren't as accepting of the natural function of the human female breast as we are of silicone-enhanced bikini-clad titties designed for male tittilation. That's a really sad situation regarding what we value in this society, isn't it?