When I get up wich is in the afternoon or evening, I like a cup of coffee, black.
That Morning Drink
by KW13 47 Replies latest jw friends
I check on the floor around and under the bed until I find a bottle with a little corner left in it. I throw that back and that gets me going until I can get to a fresh one.
fresh, every am, huge glass(55 gal drum!!!) of iced tea with 2 splendas
winter: cup of coffee, with fake creamer. summer: iced tea, gallons and gallons of it all day long.
A shot of vodka. Really gets me up
I wake up to the taste of urine too...damned incontinence pants are leaking again
First thing in the morning? It has to be coffee!!!
While I certainly enjoy a large cup of cream and sugar with my coffee I do make a fruit smoothie every so often.
I put a whole apple (seeds core and all) yogurt, maybe a banana, more frozen fruit, orange juice (or whatever juice I find) and a couple tablespoons of ground flax seed put it all in my vita-mix and whip up a great tasting breakfast.
A good cup of freshly ground french roast with a little milk and sugar, then water the rest of the day
Love that joe but it has to be fresh ground not the canned stuff