Ironically, it was never anything that a householder said that caused me to doubt; but it was things the Society said that caused me to doubt. I began to notice most of these contradictions when I was a Regular Pioneer. Case in point:
One of the talking points that has often been printed in the Kingdom Ministry is to tell the householder that we are just going door-to-door and encouraging people to read the Bible more. On the surface, this sounds nice. But, I realized that it was at the very least, intellectually dishonest. This is because the Society has repeatedly stated in Watchtower artcles that personal, independent Bible reading alone will not lead a person to obtaining an accurate knowledge of the Bible - that they must come to the organization to genuinely benefit.
Therefore, how is it that we could go door-to-door and encourage people to spend time in a worthless pursuit? How could we encourage them to do something that could possibly mislead them into "false doctrines"? This was just one example.
I realized that we as Witnesses were trained to recite many cliches, platitudes, and talking points which were designed to make us appear reasonable and moderate. I realized that there were deffinately bait and switch tactics being used. It disturbed me deeply.