Are JW's generally better than average people?

by JH 299 Replies latest jw friends

  • OnTheWayOut

    Welcome, Rosalee. Don't run off so quickly.

    This is the first I've seen any group get so uptight about their former friends.

    The point most of us are making is that we are hurt by this organization. It takes good people and warps them.
    Many of us ARE bitter, but we use this forum to cope. It's cheaper than therapy. You really have to understand
    the spirit of this site. It doesn't work for everyone.

    Does there actually come a time when you put a period on the past and move one?

    For some, this is a moving on site. They are coping and finding understanding comfort here. As time goes on, they
    will post less, then hardly ever. If you are able to move on without that aid, you are still welcome to read and post,
    but I am happy for you, as you have reached my next goal.

  • jwfacts

    This is a very subjective question, as what does "better" mean?

    EG, Better because they don't smoke? Yes, as the smokers get disfellowshipped. But does smoking really make a person bad???

    D/f greatly skews the statistics as anyone 'known' to be breaking a Watcthtower law is d/f, meaning bad people generally are not counted as JWs. However, a better statistic would be "are people raised JWs any better?" Why is a NO as a very high percentage of raised JWs leave and become no different than anyone else.

    Are JWs more trustworthy? I have not found them to be any different than the numerous people I have worked with for trustworthiness.

    The Watchtower likes to concentrate on the few bad individuals in Society and ignore that most people are not evil, and most people try equally hard to be good, trustworthy, Godfearing etc.

  • TopHat

    The Watchtower wants total control over IT's members...So most JWs have a conflict within themsleves....the world is evil and wicked and the people who are in the world are evil and wicked....however, they are the only ones who are good and sweet and loving and peaceful. They MUST go out into the world and SAVE those wicked worldly people and TEACH them to be good and kind and loving and peaceful like them. See what I mean? The Watchtower teaches them to be ' Mental Defectives'

  • Rosalee

    JWs do not say people are evil and wicked. This system of things is.

    Just as in the days of Noah. Most people then weren't wicked or evil. They lived ordinary lives. What they did not do was worship Jehovah. Mostly, today it is the same.

  • TopHat

    Roselee, I disagree...most people I know, love God and want to do his will...They read the Bible everyday...What they don't do is: "Obey the Watchtower" They obey God instead!

  • Rosalee

    TopHat: Most people I talk to have absolutely NO interest in the Bible, any religion and could care less what the will of God is. In the 20-40 age group, many have never been in a church (barring weddings and funerals). They are quite happy doing their own will.

  • restrangled

    JWs do not say people are evil and wicked. This system of things is.

    Just as in the days of Noah. Most people then weren't wicked or evil. They lived ordinary lives. What they did not do was worship Jehovah. Mostly, today it is the same.

    So there are a few billion misguided souls in this world who will be murdered by Jehovah because they were not exposed to the message brought by Jehovah's Witnesses?

    Perhaps you can guilt a few former JW's by saying such nonsense. I never was a JW. You live in a complete fantasy world full of self aggrandizement. You are a poser. You live your life pretending to be something you are not.

    What you ask people to believe is that Jesus invisibly returned in 1914 (yea right), looked around and chose the bible students who at the time wrote "The Finished Mystery" and "Millions Now Living Will Never Die".

    What a complete truckload of absolute BS.

    The arrogant attitude of JW's is only overshadowed by their complete and utter lack of common sense.

    My mother in law has wasted her entire life waiting for the end to come. Pretty pathetic if you ask me.

    r's wordly hubby

  • OnTheWayOut
    JWs do not say people are evil and wicked.

    JW's used to say that householders were "goats" if they refused the magazines or
    had harsh words. They had to be trained to keep those comments from being voiced.
    They still believe that college is full of drunken orgies. They teach that coworkers can't
    be trusted and can be considered "bad association."

    Their general instructions tell the flock to avoid "worldly" family, saying that the work the
    WTS has for them is more important. They enforce this by saying they are "bad associations."

    You are correct. They don't directly SAY that people on the outside are evil and wicked.
    They only imply it and get the JW's to think it.

  • TopHat

    Roselee, It may come as a surprise to you, but a person has no obligation to go to church to please God. Pleasing God comes from inside ones heart.

    The people you talk to I assume are your door to door average person? In that case I would say, what they are NOT interested in is learning "Watchtower dogma"

  • carla


    I am married to a jw. I can tell you that jw's certainly do think anyone who does not accept their 'message' are evil and wicked. Would you agree that Satan is about as wicked as one could be? Well, that is how I was painted by the elders, ms, & rank & file because I would not and will not ever accept this entirely false religion. I was filled with Satan, that is what they said. Those who have so called unbelieving mates are subjected to their mates being considered birdseed, (old term you may not be familiar with in jw's) sleeping with a corpse, the walking dead and other terms that only cause a wedge between husband and wife. I think you may be quite unfamiliar with the wt's own literature. I find that to be the case often with jw's, they are not aware of their own history even when that history only reaches back a year or two.

    I know many people who live and walk a Christian life. Many go to church, some have been spiritually abused like the exjw's here and choose to worship God in their own way. It is the arrogance of jw's to insist that the ONLY way to serve God is their way. It is completely unbiblical, aside from their many false teachings and prophecies.

    In researching this org for many years now I find that the consensus of exjw's is in fact that jw's do believe and hope for all the evil & wicked to be destroyed. Who are the evil and wicked? anyone who is not a jw. If you search through their literature they make it very clear you you must come to jehovahs organization if you want any hope of salvation, for Christians, only Jesus can offer salvation.

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