Are JW's generally better than average people?

by JH 299 Replies latest jw friends

  • MariAruet

    I would say good people are generally attracted to the Society, unfortunately their teaching methods over time twist what was once good in someone and turn it into Frankenstain monster. But I think those who leave are people who refused to be completely turned over

  • restrangled
    Most people I talk to have absolutely NO interest in the Bible, any religion and could care less what the will of God is

    Perhaps most people don't believe that God uses door to door salespeople to deliver his message. Perhaps the mysterious all powerful incredible lesson that is to be learned is that you don't need organized religion to have a relationship with God.

    People worshipped God way before the Millerites, Adventists and JW's existed. People will worship God long after the JW's are gone.

    The WTS merely repackaged popular thought of the time and called it "New Light".

    Maybe the will of God is for people to see through the BS of religions like the WTS and deal directly with him.

    r's hubby

  • Rosalee


    I'm sorry you have the idea that JWs think so poorly of you. If only you knew, they want very much for you to do well. God does not want to see any destroyed. 2 Peter 3:9 and likewise neither do JWs.

    The people I am talking about who have no interest in any religion are neighbors and co workers. Mainly, everyone just wants to get along and not be bothered by anything that is in any way controversial. Thus I say, as in the days of Noah.

  • restrangled
    God does not want to see any destroyed. 2 Peter 3:9 and likewise neither do JWs.

    JW's are the only religion that implies that 99.9% of the worlds population will be destroyed by God. I absolutley don't think that God wants to destroy the world....that fantasy lies solely with the WTS.

    The WTS are the ones promoting the anhilation of everyone but themselves. To say that you are loving, then follow along with the WTS fantasy of world destruction is hypocritical and self deceptive.

    The rest of the world that you are so quick to condem don't wish for the anhilation of everyone.

    Why would anyone follow the WTS fantasy on this one????

    Loving???? Bull****

    r's hubby

  • trevor

    Rosalee, you say:

    This is the first I've seen any group get so uptight about their former friends. Does there actually come a time when you put a period on the past and move on?

    As you are aware of the automatic policy that Jehovah's Witnesses as a group have, of shunning all former friends who are now ex-members, you will realize that those on this site are not alone in being an uptight group. People here were trained in their skills by the Watchtower Society.

    As for moving on - shunning is for life. At what point do you suggest the pain ends?

    Perhaps it is when we ourselves realize that the friendship Jehovah's Witnesses is neither desirable or healthy and we are pleased that the member of this discredited cult keep away from us.

    I am presently shunned by 43 JW relatives and it is my dearest wish that they continue to keep away from me.

    Uptight enough?


  • carla


    I don't just think that is what jw's think of me, I was standing right there when they said it! Then when they thought I was in a different part of the house they proceeded to try and 'help' my spouse think of some good lies so he could get out of the house without my knowing where he was going! If satan is the father of lies, surely the jw's are his children.

  • Rosalee


    When any of us get our hackles up, we often hear what we want to hear. Is it at all possible you are slanting your version? The JWs I've ever known would NEVER say anything like what you've said.

    I've had my share of bad experiences, both inside and outside the truth. In the past, I'd say exactly what someone said but with a few extra thoughts and claim it was exactly what I heard them say. In the end though, the truth always comes out.

  • OnTheWayOut
    If only you knew, they want very much for you to do well. God does not want to see any destroyed.

    Let me say it. You are certainly welcome to continue expressing yourself. So are we.

    They (JW's) do not want former believers to do well. They don't want unbelievers to do well.
    Their WT expresses the thought that former believers can no longer be "killed" so we have to
    tolerate them. They only want former believers to do well toward coming back into their realm
    and under WTS control. Unbelievers- they want to reach them to convert them, or forget about
    them. They look forward to their destruction. They think that God is ready to destroy children
    whose parents refused a literature study, and this is a good thing. They think that peace-loving
    monks and Hindus deserve to be destroyed because they didn't know that those people with the
    tract left under the matt on their front door were God's representatives.

    WTS teaches people to wish for Armageddon to come and destroy the wicked. The wicked, at
    that moment, are all non-JW's. Facts are facts.

  • Rosalee

    trevor, you don't sound uptight at all. Just as long certain ones stay away from you. Well, feel free not to read any of my posts and that way we can keep our distance.

  • Rosalee


    From your name I surmise you are still attending? That being the case, you know that all df'd and da'd ones are being welcomed back. Recent articles point to this as I'm sure you are aware.

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