Would you do it for the sake of the kids?

by pratt1 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tuesday

    I would just ask him "Is it important to you that I come see your talk?" if he says that it is then I would tell him "no problem I will be there for you." Go for his talk and leave immediately following it. I think he would get the point that you came for the sole purpose of seeing him give his talk, especially if you didn't bring a bible or song book or anything, or didn't even try to fit in a little bit.

    If it were me I'd go to it. I almost went to my friend's first public talk because I supported him, they decided not to ask me because I'd be too distracting.

  • restrangled

    You don't have to go to the KH to show unconditional love to the kid. That is nonsense.

    Plan A) It is not so difficult to say I can't make it, but we can still celebrate your achievement by going fishing or to a movie etc....You're not giving tacit approval, but you are supporting him.

    Plan B) I can't make it but here's a card and $20. I've never met a seven year old that wouldn't appreciate that.

    r's hubby

  • daystar

    You don't have to go to the KH to show unconditional love to the kid. That is nonsense.

    Plan A) It is not so difficult to say I can't make it, but we can still celebrate your achievement by going fishing or to a movie etc....You're not giving tacit approval, but you are supporting him.

    Plan B) I can't make it but here's a card and $20. I've never met a seven year old that wouldn't appreciate that.

    Son, I can't make it to your wedding because you're having it in a KH. So here's a blender instead. I know there is a difference of degree, but the.... principle... is the same.

    First public talk for a 7-year old may as well be his wedding at that age.

  • OnTheWayOut
    I would just ask him "Is it important to you that I come see your talk?" if he says that it is then I would tell him
    "no problem I will be there for you." Go for his talk and leave immediately following it.

    I could appreciate that approach. I would arrive about 15 minutes past the start of the meeting, also.
    1st talks are just Bible readings, so I like this suggestion.

    If that boy decides to marry, would you refuse to go because he's having it in a KH? Isn't that just as bad as the Witnesses doing the same thing?

    I can separate weddings and funerals from other indoctrinations sessions. You should be able to walk in to show
    your love in those situations. The difference is that the persons you are attending to show support for know why
    you came. Again, if I could say what the support means, no problem with attending the meeting. Tuesday offers
    a good compromise.

  • restrangled

    First public talk for a 7-year old may as well be his wedding at that age.

    But its not a wedding....its not a graduation...its not an All Star baseball game...its not a school play....

    It's a seven year old kid mimicing the WTS. Perspective daystar....its as important as you believe it to be...

  • daystar
    It's a seven year old kid mimicing the WTS. Perspective daystar....its as important as you believe it to be...

    You're not looking at this from the kid's perspective. This is likely an important event for the boy, although it may not be so to you or even to me.

  • Nowman

    I would say go because you are his "godfather" and there is nothing wrong with you going. I think always being there for him will be an example in itself. As the years go on, you can take the opportunity to tell your side of it when it comes.

    I thinks its awesome that the JW friend that continues to be your true friend is awesome, I would do the same thing for one of my friends, as long as it did not compromise my beliefs/integity etc. Going to the KH to see the kid give his 1st talk is not compromising anything, you are just there for support....


  • restrangled
    You're not looking at this from the kid's perspective. This is likely an important event for the boy, although it may not be so to you or even to me.

    daystar...I'm with you...I'm not a complete heartless ass...honest

    I base my opinion on two things...first of all his wifes take....she's privy to the situation..she supports her hubby, yet is staying away...there's probably a very good reason for this

    Secondly, the kid will be getting plenty of support as it is. Pratt1 doesn't attend the KH, so the kid already knows this. It isn't out of place for him to say no at this point. If he says yes, he opens up Pandora's box.

    Solution: Don't go but celebrate his achievement in a different way.

    r's hubby

  • found-my-way

    Most kids his ages would be crushed and devasted if their friend didnt go.

    They dont understand ''the principle of not going'', that doesnt mean squat to them! He's 7, NOT 14.

    I would ask him how he would feel if I did not go. If he even hints that he would be hurt, then I would go.

    He will see you not going as a personal rejection. Kids take their first talk very seriously. I honestly think he take it personally

    The one suggestion to just go to his talk, and then leave right after sends the message loud and clear that you went for the boy, and nothing else.

  • ButtLight

    Boy what a tough question! I can agree with both sides here. But I tend to lead towards going. Only reason is because he is only 7 years old. He doesnt understand why you dont go. All he knows is he wants you to be there to support him, and be proud of him....I see nothing wrong with that.

    He can show unconditional love outside the Hall.

    Yes, he can and should. But I dont think it will affect a seven year olds thinking on religion, if he shows up this one time! Or even if he went to his baptism. It shows that no matter what the child does, even if you dont agree with it, you will love him no matter what! Opposite of what the JW's teach.......and that is something that child will never forget.

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