"And he said, Thou canst not see my FACE: for there shall no man see me [the FACE, FULL GLORY], and live." (Exodus 33:20….."And ….Moses SAW THE GOD OF ISRAEL [NOT THE FACE, OBVIOUSLY See Ex. 33:20]....and upon the nobles of the children of Israel he (YHWH) laid not his hand." (Exodus 24:1-11)
See the bold above?
Ex 33:20-23
20 But," he said [talking to Moses], "you cannot see MY FACE, for no one may see me [MY FACE] and live."
Notice NO ONE MAY SEE ME meant FACE. See? FACE. Which means FULL GLORY. EVEN with Christ, his FULL GLORY (FACE) can NOT be seen by man and yet live. But his "BACK" a small portion of his glory CAN and COULD be seen by who he deemed worthy to see him.
21 Then the LORD [YHWH Son] said, "There is a place near me where you may stand on a rock. 22 When my glory passes by, I will put you in a cleft in the rock and cover you with my hand until I have passed by. 23 Then I will remove my hand and YOU WILL SEE MY BACK; BUT MY FACE MUST NOT BE SEEN."
Get it? It's really quite elementary Joseph. Or do you get confused by the elementary things of God, like his face and back?
>>Pom earlier argued that there are two different YHWH’s here; one is the Father,
Here???? Where? Talking to Moses? I never said that. I said two YHWH's exist. YOU'RE saying "here" which I gather YOU mean talking to Moses. I don't see two YHWH's talking in the context do you? There's only one talking. That one is the Son. The Father watches and listens. He exists. Or can't you fathom the Son talking and the Father watching?
>>the other the Son; the former is the one speaking in Exodus 33,<<
I never said ANYWHERE, the Father spoke at all. I said two YHWH's exist. PERIOD. The Father speaking is YOUR words and YOUR WORDS ALONE, yet you are saying they are mine. Nice trick Joseph.
Jesus YWHW does ALL the speaking in the Bible, as HE is the Word of God. ALL of it. Simple. The Father exists and let's the Son run the show. Simple simple.
>>the latter--the forgiving one--is the one in Exodus 24,>>
Ex 33 and 24 are both Jesus YHWH, as I HAVE ALWAYS maintained.
>>Unfortunately for Pom, he evidently forgot that he once (Wednesday) believed there were two different YHWHs in Exodus,<<
Forgot? I never forgot. There are two YHWH's as I have always said. Re-read this thread. That's all I have been saying.
>>because NOW (Thursday) he says that since the creation, the only God who ever spoke or interacted with man was the SAME person, Jesus YHWH!<<
You haven't proved anything here except confirmed exactly what I have always said. That Christ is the one doing it all, and the Father has given all over to his Son. The Father exists and yet does not deal with man in either word or deed. The Son deals with man. Simple.
The Father has given all into the Sons hands. All.
>>Here are Pom’s self-convicting words:
“Everytime in the OT you see God speak, the Word of God spoke, that being Christ….So with simplicity, Jesus is the Word of God, EVERYTIME God spoke, it was the Word speaking.”<<<
What the heck are you talking about? This is what I always said, and you're saying I said something different? You are one weird 50 year old. Cut and paste anything else different which you are claiming, the above proves nothing. You don't have one sentence where I said the Father spoke or dealt with man at all. People that twist like this are the ones who cannot accept that their man wisdom of "Bible contradictions" can be answered with a logical explaination. The truth of Duotheism answers most of yours.
>>So, Pom, according to you, it must have been “Jesus YHWH” who was speaking when he said, “Thou canst not see MY face,” and it was that SAME “Jesus YHWH” who allowed Moses to see him. Thus, Exodus contradicts itself, and therefore the Bible is in error.<<
Look at the man twist and writhe. I love when I see this happen. You are just like Jehovah's Witnesses, only you take pride in the darkness, they just hide in the darkness.
See the above. I covered YOUR contradiction up there.