However, now the more we think about it, when the news of the settlement begins to move through the congregations,
How will they ever find out though?
Thomas Covenant
True, since it doesn't have the media attention that the catholics received I'm thinking that only a minority of j-dubs will hear about this.
Second,, of those that hear of this, I fear that they will just dismiss it as apostate rumours and not feel compelled to tell other J-dubs about it.
Those who are critical of the settlement should realize how emotionally draining it is to fight a court case for months, even years, with absolutely no idea how it will turn out in the end. Nut-job judges, dysfunctional juries, and a convoluted justice system are all ingredients in any such case, which means the plaintiff is just rolling the dice. A settlement is a "win" by any standard.
I agree. It can be emotionally draining any time a person visits the DMV. I can't even imagine what it is like for those
poor victims and what they are going through during this entire process. For some I'm willing to bet that the emotions
and turmoil borders on that of unbearable.