When Joe and I heard about the settlement of these seven cases and the other ones across the country, we were extremely disappointed because we were looking forward to the trials, the first one being set for April 3rd In Napa County. However, now the more we think about it, when the news of the settlement begins to move through the congregations, the Witnesses will conclude what is very obvious, WT could not have possibly allowed any of these lawsuits to go to trial because it would have been devastating to their reputation. If they were innocent, they would have welcomed their day in court to prove their policies were not responsible for the cover-up of pedophiles in the congregations.
Like you and Joe, Barb, I too was very disappointed when I heard this news. From a victim's viewpoint, I can really understand how difficult it is to step forward and deal with the ridicule, and shame, and outright pressure of having to say some very humiliating details of a horrific experience. And as a struggling adult, I can understand certain economic realities (especially when I float a check at the grocery store!).
I would like to think that I would be idealist (and probably stupid) enough to damn the torpedoes and full steam ahead irregardless were it me on the case. God knows I was like that 20 years ago, but then I paid a heavy, heavy price and I can't fault someone for not wanting to go through that if they don't have to.
Still, I think it will take someone who is more willing to expose the truth, whatever the cost, before the public at large becomes aware of the problem.