Hey "I am a newbie poster" and would like a running start here with a problem I have to solve. A certain Bible-reading friend thinks that her apartment is full of angels. In last week's discussion of angels, I understand that an angel is only sent by God to certain people in order to complete specific messages from Jehovah. May I tell her that she is mistaken, that she can only expect possibly anangel once in a while -- and perhaps instead there are other spirit creatures like demons there?
by Nazarene 26 Replies latest jw friends
Some people believe there are angels all about. Some believe they have a personal guardian angel. There was a very popular book awhile back about people who saw angels on a regular basis. Why do you want to insist they are demons? Is it possible the universe has many things we don't know about? Why assume an evil influence? Do you have a jw backround that is sneaking through with their ever famous 'everything we can't explain is evil'? Or maybe she's just nuts. You may want to tread lightly where ones psyche is involved.
If you feel she is happy and mentally stable, leave it be.
A certain Bible-reading friend thinks that her apartment is full of angels.
Did she mean angles?
Welcome btw.
Did she mean angles?
This is like trying to trying to explain just exactly where Jesus showed up in 1914.
I had a friend in Michigan who was obsessed with angels and demons. Over time I slowly backed away from her because she began to get delusional--really delusional, and began to accuse my 6-yr old son of sexually molesting her 8-yr old.
If someone honestly believes that angels are involved in their life, well it's possible. But there's no requirement for you to believe this; s/he may be wrong, you know.
PS Welcome to the Board!!
Well, she did come from Michigan and believes there is spiritual warfare going on, as a result of her reading some type of book with that title I think, all about "warring angels." Also she says she may have been with aliens from a flying saucer she witnessed while working late night up there. My research into UFO cults turns out, that many are really based upon ancient scripture about the Nehilum, and they are under satan's influence. I therefore have kept a little more distance myself. It goes on to show that even the devil can read the Bible and say prayers, so this becomes an advanced problem.
Hey "I am a newbie poster" and would like a running start here with a problem I have to solve. A certain Bible-reading friend thinks that her apartment is full of angels. In last week's discussion of angels, I understand that an angel is only sent by God to certain people in order to complete specific messages from Jehovah. May I tell her that she is mistaken, that she can only expect possibly anangel once in a while -- and perhaps instead there are other spirit creatures like demons there? You want to pour water on her corn-flakes ruin her crunch and kill her good vibe. Back to the Kingdom Hall with your negativity and controlling technique. If your going to believe in myths and faery tales at least believe in good faery tales. Keep the demons in your apartment.
I've found the angels to be total slackers myself.
Reminds me of the famous saying:
Don't send an angel to do a demon's job.
No, JaguarBass ... The angels are suppose to be in her place and nobody wants to control anybody else. I am simply questioning their orientation. As I said, an angel rarely appears and if so, carries a specific message from Jehovah and then leaves. They must be slack, fallen angels or demons.
Surely the universe is bigger than one book, Nazarene. Also not mentioned in the bible are such things as black holes or an Annotated Fomalhaut Debris Ring . Since the bible does not mention these things does that mean that they don't exist?
Who is to say all that an angel is interested in? Are you going to tell them they are not sticking to their agenda, because of what you read in that book?
I am convinced there are a couple angels specifically assigned to watch over my little stuff like my wallet, credit cards, keys, cell phone, sunglasses, and palm pilot. I've lost all of them in the past year, and all of them were returned unharmed. My co-workers and friends watch on in amazement, as my stuff invariably shows up again. I tell them I'm the luckiest person on the planet.