Daily Text from JH and Minimus

by coolhandluke 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • coolhandluke

    I lurk here more often than I post anymore but there is a commonality every time I log on. The daily text. At times these threads are the longest ones on the board until the next day when the topic is pulled from the daily text recycle bag or wherever it is they get them from, and prominently displayed on the Active Topics page in technicolor for viewers like you and me. I am usually so irritated with the inaneness of the questions, but trying to remove all judgement I have to ask myself why that is. It's because I hated the daily text. The Society loves to rehash the old things programmed learned, boring reminding us, framing things in a poor attempt to engage a gag spiritual reaction. Its the same animal. This is not an attack and I do not mean it to be. Obviously for some reason or another these posts are super popular. Maybe we are in love with our own pain. Or perhaps the loneliness that we all feel at times is addressed by the self esteem boost of how many people post in reply to the questions. It makes me wonder though about growth. It makes me wonder if this is not akin to picking a scab that is just beginning to heal over because we've gotten used to the comfort of the pain or perhaps because sometimes we want to know we are still alive and its nice to see it bleed.

  • nvrgnbk

    I respect your right to your opinion.

    However, I have this to say:


  • coolhandluke

    I didn't realize I was being heavy. I thought I was being observant. Thinking of myself in relation to other people and them to me. Thinking about how I react to things sometimes without thinking about my own issues that cloud my judgment and that produce judgment at all.

  • nvrgnbk
    I didn't realize I was being heavy. I was being observant. Thinking of myself in relation to other people and them to me. Thinking about how I react to things sometimes without thinking about my own issues that cloud my judgment and that produce judgment at all.

    Take no offense friend. I just think these threads are for blowing off steam. I'm a great steam-blower-offer. It's great therapy.

    Regards coolhandluke,


  • minimus


  • juni

    Hey guy!

    Nice to see you post. I HATED the daily text. Like you said. Rehash, rehash.


  • jaguarbass

    What daily text?

  • Honesty

    Aaaah Yesss, THE DAILY TEXT.

    An inspired commentary of mushroom food coming at ya directly from God's Voice in Brooklyn, New York home of the Slobbering Bobbers

  • Blueblades

    The Daily Text was a rehash of the last year's Watchtower issues. When you looked at where the text came from on the bottom of the text it gave you the Watchtower date ie: Jan, 15, page 10 paragraph 5. You could then use the questions to that text and rehash it again. This was useful whenever I took the group out for field service way back when.

    As far as using JH and Minimus's names in connection with this, I don't get it. They both have been very good contributers to many post's and topics that have stimulated us .


  • ButtLight
    As far as using JH and Minimus's names in connection with this, I don't get it. They both have been very good contributers to many post's and topics that have stimulated us .

    I dont get it either. Naming people and comparing their threads to picking scabs?

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