Buttlight sums it up quite well.
Daily Text from JH and Minimus
by coolhandluke 28 Replies latest jw friends
As far as using JH and Minimus's names in connection with this, I don't get it. They both have been very good contributers to many post's and topics that have stimulated us .
I dont get it either. Naming people and comparing their threads to picking scabs?Its about the rehash of things that ultimately are the fodder of living in a state of pain instead of a cycle of growth. "What is the one thing you miss about being JW?" "How far did you advance in the organization?" "Did your congregation ...?" I think we can choose two was of approaching this: Shared bad experience that binds us together in growth. Or shared bad experience that we wallow in because we like the feeling of being "tortured". It is the idea of victim vs. survivor.
CHL- I am usually so irritated with the inaneness of the questions, but trying to remove all judgement I have to ask myself why that is. It's because I hated the daily text.
I enjoy the seemingly endless supply of minimus' "question" threads. If I don't have anything to contribute to the thread I don't. Most of the time I just enjoy reading what other posters contribute. Sometimes I don't read them at all. I don't think JH posts as many as minimus but one of his last threads was still alive, 3 or 4 days later. So, I think these threads are popular with many JWDers.
I am not sure how CHL makes the connection between these threads and the daily text of the Jws. Anyway, CHL if the questions bother you, don't read them. Simple as that.
I understand the connection. If you are around long enough, you'll see that the questions rehash themselves just as the daily text did. There is a similarity and one might wonder if it is a carryover ...
I am not sure how CHL makes the connection between these threads and the daily text of the Jws. Anyway, CHL if the questions bother you, don't read them. Simple as that.
They don't bother me and I don't read them. My reason for posting was to open a dialogue regarding the idea or theory that continuing to rehash the past and perhaps things that are not worth rehashing or remembering is unhealthy.
Some of my threads rehash the past. I start lots of fluff too.
Freedom of speech is what this board is all about. Something we didn't have at the KH. Minimus and I, as well as you express your thoughts and that's ok.
We each have our own style too.
You're not the first person to express an opion about minimus and I. We know that we post often, and ask many questions, and we like it.
Maybe I over do it, and your thread is an oportunity to re examine myself.
I get ya CHL. While I personally would rather explore how far we've all come and revel in the successes and opportunities we now have instead of what we've lost and can never reclaim, I still have my hot buttons that I go absolutely nuts over (child abuse apologists). All my "Love and Light" seem to evaporate and my redhead comes out with all the pain and toxins. healthy? not sure. It's all part of the process, I suppose. Also, this is the first stopping place for many on their journey out so I think it's good to give venues to talk about the fresh wounds, bleed out the toxins a bit.
Love and Light (I really mean it)
I'm not here to check your hand JH. That isn't my aim. When I first started posting here, I looked at your threads a lot. It helped me to reexamine the past and make sense of it. You get something out of it and apparently others do too. We are all in different stages of healing and growth. There are people visiting this site for the first time today and there is something for everyone. Just thinking out loud.
Is asking these types of questions "good", overall?? Obviously, I think so. I know for a fact that many posters have told me that I've helped them to realize that they were not alone after all, in their experiences or thoughts. There are soooooooomany new lurkers and posters here. Opening up subjects that have been previously considered can be quite helpful to especially such ones. If someone posts AGAIN about 1914, 1975 or blood issues----is it too much? I don't think so----even if I might not read all the re-hashing. And sure some topics and questions can be mundane but so what? When Farkel used to be on the boards he and a few others believed that these forums should be used for lively debate primarily. If someone like a Minimus or JH (but especially me) had a popular response to a thread, even if it was inane, he'd go ballistic.
Personally, I think these DBs have changed for the better because now ANYONE can feel comfortable to post, ask questions (even if someone views them as stupid) or read a thread and give an opinion without having their self esteem shot. This place can be very enlightening and also cozy. It can be anything, depending upon the posters and the threads.
Regarding opening up old wounds and never allowing them to heal, for some of us, we need a constant reminder of what we did and encouragment to not go back. Others feel that they need never to hear about their JW past again....... The beauty of reading a thread is that you can make a decision to either go to a certain subject or poster or not. If you think certain styles are irritating, avoid them.
I get ya CHL. While I personally would rather explore how far we've all come and revel in the successes and opportunities we now have instead of what we've lost and can never reclaim, I still have my hot buttons that I go absolutely nuts over (child abuse apologists). All my "Love and Light" seem to evaporate and my redhead comes out with all the pain and toxins. healthy? not sure. It's all part of the process, I suppose. Also, this is the first stopping place for many on their journey out so I think it's good to give venues to talk about the fresh wounds, bleed out the toxins a bit.
Love and Light (I really mean it)
Agreed. I freaking love this lady. Daystar, you lucky punk!