Daily Text from JH and Minimus

by coolhandluke 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • Brigid
    Agreed. I freaking love this lady. Daystar, you lucky punk!

    aaaawwwe! backathya, lovey.

    It was so awesome meeting you. Thanks for wearin' yer kilt.

  • daystar


    Agreed. I freaking love this lady. Daystar, you lucky punk!

    I know this very, very well.

    As for this thread, I hear you. I am a bit bored of it myself. But I have to remind myself that none of us are in exactly the same places in our lives, and that sometimes we can surprise ourselves, thinking we're in one place, and then cycling back to a place we thought we'd left, without realizing it.

    I am sometimes a prime example of this.

    But I think JH and Min, since those are the two examples of what you're talking about that come to my mind as well, are just trying to appeal to different degress of being "out".

    You and I are pretty way "out", so they don't really appeal to us.

  • SixofNine

    Hey CHL, great to meet you this weekend.

    I think you are most honest when you just say "these effing inane questions are like fingernails on the chalkboard of my very soul".

    This I understand. No good comparison to anything WT-like though, from my perspective.

    I probably open/read 1 out every 100 threads started by minimus or JH. It's not my thing, but it seems to be many other people's thing.

  • minimus

    Sixy, I have the same numbers toward your threads. Who woulda thunk, huh?

  • SixofNine

    "Sixy, I have the same numbers toward your threads."

    lol, which means I read 75 of yours before you read 1 of mine ;)

  • minimus
  • Brigid

    I think us both incredibly lucky.

    adn not to be a hijacker, I love everyone and their posts.

  • lola28

    Ah, I'm glad I'm not the only one that feels this way. I think I went a whole month without posting on any thread mostly because there's no way I can continue to post here and at the same time move on. As a matter of fact CHL if in a year I'm still posting here, I want you to take a trip to California and send me off to puppy lake.

    I think we can choose two was of approaching this: Shared bad experience that binds us together in growth. Or shared bad experience that we wallow in because we like the feeling of being "tortured". It is the idea of victim vs. survivor.

    This site really helped me, I made one or two good friends here and for that I'm thankful but I also think that in a way it does a bit of a disservice to some, because it's so much easier to come here and as you put it "wallow" and pick at the scab than it is to move on. I'm not saying it's easy to get over what some have been through with the Society, but I think it's possible. I don't think anyone can heal if they continue to dwell on things that have already happened and things which they can not change.

  • greendawn

    If some threads are inane or fluffy and repetitive then we don't have to read them. There are many new people coming and going and for them a repeated thread may be novel and useful and many like fluff as a refreshing change from serious heavy going subjects.

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