I'm in an interracial marriage. Having different skin colors is the easy part. Having a different cultural background,, that is the extremely hard part.
Are Interracial RelationshipsA Taboo Subject?
by The wanderer 64 Replies latest jw friends
Having different skin colors is the easy part. Having a different cultural background,, that is the extremely hard part.
I totally agree. But what relationship does not have its issues.
Highlander is spot on! Cultural differences are far greater challenges than race. We adopted a mixed race child and raised her along with our four toe heads. She has never wanted to consider another black as a marriage partner as she doesn't want to deal with the cultural differences. Two of our sons, however, married out of their race and culture. Both have wonderful marriages and have dealt with the cultural differences rather creatively, but they will both say that is the greatest challenge. If I had to do it over again, I wouldn't hesitate marrying someone of another race or culture. carmel
I'm all for interracial relationships.
As a child of a mixed relationship--white and black--I will say that since there's no definite bracket for "mulatto," whomever I marry won't be the same thing as me anyway. "I don't discriminate, I regulate on every shade of that ass" --Big Pun
I wouldn't mind marrying a person born from an interacial relationship.....wow....
Save My Soul
Great Subject!!
I think the culutural differences are the largest barrier to overcome as well. Skin color is an issue because we make it an issue. The media glamorizes and stigmatizes races in positive or negative light. New Orleans is a perfect example. One set of people are looting, while another are looking for feed.
These stereotypes make this race not acceptable and that one, higher up the evolutionary ladder.
What a shame.
Save My Soul
I am in an inter-racial marriage. And it's HARD. I love my husband and couldn't imagine my life without him. But it is very very very very very HARD HARD HARD.
Please explain. What is sooo hard as opposed to a white on white relationship?
I understand that intercultural relationships can be difficult. My girlfriend is French and as well as the language barrier, there are occasional cultural issues that arise but these are incredibly minor. However, if she was (for example) from China I can see that they might be more significant. However I can't see how there would be any problems if the only significant difference between us was skin colour, unless perhaps, we were surrounded by old-time racists.
My good friend is mixed-race (white, black, and hispanic) and looks like a voluptuous Rosario Dawson. She's married to a white guy. They've got the three most gorgeous kids I've ever seen, and they love each other fiercely. According to her, she really doesn't notice any hostility directed toward her or her hubby, but her 14 year old son has started getting some rudeness at school. Hopefully, this will pass as he gets older, especially if he decides to move to a bigger town (we live in an overwhelmingly white area.)