Are Interracial Relationships—A Taboo Subject?

by The wanderer 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • Crumpet
    I understand that intercultural relationships can be difficult. My girlfriend is French and as well as the language barrier, there are occasional cultural issues that arise but these are incredibly minor. However, if she was (for example) from China I can see that they might be more significant. However I can't see how there would be any problems if the only significant difference between us was skin colour, unless perhaps, we were surrounded by old-time racists

    I am with funkyd and highlanyr on this. I would say different cultures makes for more complications then skin colour. I've never been in an inter racial relationship, probably because I dont actually meet many people from different races where I am.

    Stapler - I think if people like you think there is value in White Supremacy or Prevalancy as you put it, then the sooner it becomes submerged the better.

    Curiousgeorge - I dont know any women who like looking at penis' particularly full stop - purple, blue or black. I don't - not unless its coming at me and it is attached to someone I like.

  • Finally-Free
    I'm mostly attracted to the human race. If one of my kids would want to marry a different race I'm against it, like if they would want to marry a goat or a dog or a horse, I think they should stick to the human race. On a serious note I'm from a mixed "race" I'm part Scottish, French and Native American and I turned out O.K.

    Lately I've been attracted to Rocco.

  • found-my-way
    The achievements of civilizations that consist of mostly Blacks are not impressive.

    Yes, I do find it difficult to hold views like this. I can talk to a non-White person and feel friendly towards them, and forget about their race and view them as an individual. However, I believe for the long-term survival of Western civilization that an attitude of White racial preservation has to become more prevalent.

    Please keep in mind that I am speaking as someone who respects you as a person.

    You have every right to have your own opinion and the right to state it, as we have the freedom of speech,

    it does make me sad that there are still people in the 21st century who hold the same view as you.

    Not to pick a fight with you, but don't you think that the ''white'' race will remain the same no matter how many people have inter-relationships?

    And your view point about Black people's civilizations is disturbing and quite sad. I am of french decent, dating back to when my ancestors came to canada 3 centuries ago, so I am not simply defending my own race that you just insulted.

    I look at my ancestors and I am ashamed at how they treated the native people's of Canada. I am ashamed of being part of a race (general white race) that enslaved others.......

    I love it when people marry people of other races, it's beautiful...their children are beautiful...I think it's wonderful when people can come together and embrace their differences, celebrate their differences!

    Though I respect your right to have your own opinion, I am glad that the majority of people disagree with you wholeheartedly.



  • LongHairGal


    I think the evils of colonialism and nazi-ism are horrible events of history.

    While I can appreciate the beauty of other cultures and have no problem if somebody chooses a person of another race, I do have a problem with persons who think that because a person is "white" or European they are supposed to go around with their head down and adopt an attitude of mock self-hatred (yeah, right) because of what certain other white people in the past did. This is politically correct bullshit and hypocrisy, I might add since everybody wants to stream to the U.S. because of white western culture. Do you think that I should wish myself into non-existence because some people have a problem with who I am - whether it is because of hatred or jealousy? That is their problem. I hope they can get over it. I treat all people equally and don't owe anybody a special measure of anything because of their race or color.


  • bluesapphire

    Someone mentioned culture. I say BINGO. It's not the racial aspect is the culture aspect. That's what makes it harder.

    And yes, the gene pool does benefit. Of course I'm prejudiced by looking at my son every day and beholding the most beautiful thing on earth!

  • bluesapphire
    Western civilization that an attitude of White racial preservation has to become more prevalent.

    Barf! Sounds Hitlerish to me.

    Thank the stars most people are not so backward.

  • stapler99

    found-my-way: I don't think that that the white race will remain the same no matter how many people have inter-relationships. In fact whites have a low birth-rate compared to other races. Supposedly "white" countries experience mass non-white immigration all the while Africa remains black, East Asia remains Mongoloid, etc. White countries are really the only places where the dogmas of multiculturalism and multiracialism are pushed. That the races will merge in such a situation is an historical inevitability.

    I am also confused by your feelings of guilt about what your ancestors did. Is this something you say to sound non-racist or do you actually feel remorse? Know that it wasn't just whites who engaged in the slave trade, there were whites, blacks, Arabs and Jews involved. Every people's history can be criticized negatively. Maybe what whites did in North America and other places was wrong. This involved the destruction of native American culture and way of life. Maybe it's right that certain reparations or considerations should be made for the Americans. But that shouldn't mean that whites should suffer similarly and be destroyed racially and culturally, albeit over a longer timespan. And it's not possible or feasible for the whites to return to Europe. There are no white homelands anymore. It's not possible to send everyone back where they came from. Just as few would recommend a "Japan for the Ainu" policy. Policy shouldn't be determined by history, but by the present need of the peoples involved. What the Europeans did in North America may have been wrong, but really, what are you supposed to do about it?

    I don't think wanting preservation for your race makes you a hater. bluesapphire, I understand that you will never think that such an preservational endeavour is important, but understand that I am not advocating Hitlerish policies, genocide or warfare. The situation of whites today can be compared to Tibet, which the People's Republic of China is flooding with non-Tibetans in order to destroy Tibetan self-identity. Maybe some Tibetans are like you and don't care about the difference between Chinese and Tibetan. But if a Tibetan did want to preserve his Tibetan heritage, would you compare him or her to Hitler?

  • lola28

    I'm all for interracial relationships, my cousin is married to a black man and they seem to make it work (even tho he is also much older than she is), personally I've always been more attacted to black men, I don't know why all I can say is thank god for the NBA.


  • MadTiger

    Stapler99 said this:

    "The achievements of civilizations that consist of mostly Blacks are not impressive.

    Yes, I do find it difficult to hold views like this. I can talk to a non-White person and feel friendly towards them, and forget about their race and view them as an individual. However, I believe for the long-term survival of Western civilization that an attitude of White racial preservation has to become more prevalent."

  • snowbird
    Stapler99 said this:

    "The achievements of civilizations that consist of mostly Blacks are not impressive.

    Yes, I do find it difficult to hold views like this. I can talk to a non-White person and feel friendly towards them, and forget about their race and view them as an individual. However, I believe for the long-term survival of Western civilization that an attitude of White racial preservation has to become more prevalent."


    While I will concede that you are entitled to your opinions, I beg to differ with the statement that "the achievements of civilizations that consist of mostly Blacks are not impressive." May I respectfully suggest that you check out the writings of Frank M. Snowden, Jr? Before his death in February of 2007, he was Professor Emeritus of Classical Studies at Howard University.

    He has researched and written extensively on ancient Black civilizations. I submit that civilizations are cyclical - rising and falling as time marches relentlessly onward. The racial and cultural differences that we may so fervently prize now will no doubt in future times be nothing but an interesting footnote.

    Not meaning to be a name-dropper, but Professor Snowden was a distant relative of mine, and he has quite a story to tell.



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