Sixteen Child Sex Abuse Lawsuits against Jehovah’s Witnesses Are Settled

by Dogpatch 166 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • 144001

    Even if there were no confidentiality provisions in the settlement agreements, I doubt the victims of these horrific crimes would like the world to know exactly how much they received as a settlement payment. How many here would disclose their W-2 or other income information on this site? Let's celebrate their victories and hope that they are able to heal from their experiences and enjoy the remainder of their lives.

  • wednesday


    this s a great spot and affiliated with the TELL link i gave previously.

  • startingover

    I think it's important that the right terminology is used when this matter is being talked about. I just got this from a lawyer:

    A "gag order" is issued by the judge telling the people and the lawyers not to discuss the case outside the courtroom, in order to avoid pre-trial publicity and to protect the identity of witnesses. If you tell, the judge can punish you for contempt. After the case is settled,the gag order is usually dismissed. But many settlement agreements contain a Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure provision that says I agree to pay you this much money, but only if you never tell anybody how much it is, because I don't want anybody to know how much I paid. If you ever tell anybody, then you have to pay me back.
  • Gerard

    It made it to the Associated Press!!! At first I thought the settlement -linked to its confidentiality condition- would be the end of it, so I was angry. I now see that Kimberly's triumph is deeper: She set a legal precedent at the Supreme Court level and the WT can not hide anymore behind the First Ammendment.

    Kim wrote that appeals by abused members are being filed; Appeals that the WT is reportedly NOT contesting!!!

    I'd like to see this cult shrink to insignificancy, because it is often lethal. But most of all, I want to see their "two witness rule" as applied to child abuse disappear forever.


  • aligot ripounsous
    aligot ripounsous

    Can I just rise to plead on Mad's behalf ? In the Revolution's declaration of the citizen's rights, we read

    Article X.
    Nul ne doit

    être inquiété pour ses opinions, même religieuses, pourvu que leur manifestation ne trouble pas l'ordre public établi par la loi.

    Article XI.
    La libre communication des pens

    ées et des opinions est un des droits les plus précieux de l'homme ; tout citoyen peut donc parler, écrire, imprimer librement, sauf répondre de l'abus de cette liberté dans les cas déterminés par la loi.

    Nobody is saying here that the WTS is the victim but everyone has a right to be defended, even the WTS. If Mad wishes to do it, let him do it. Besides, I've not read in his post that he insulted anyone. In addition, we appreciate to express ourselves on this board, all the more so that we would'nt be allowed within the WTS. Lady Liberty, help !

  • flipper

    Mr. Flipper here. Mrs. Flipper and I discussed it and me being an ex-witness who is fed up with people being abused by condescending self righteous, pompous elders and GB members, we have decided to help out a bit in a proactive way. We can talk about this until the cows fly over the moon, but what will really help we feel is if everybody who has a pure concern in this will make copies of the associated press release and distribute them in neighborhoods by kingdom halls it will attract attention to this. My 22 year old ex JW son and I on Sunday are planning on parking out in the street near various kingdom halls and after the meetings start move quickly to maybe only 5 vehicles and put this information under their windshield wipers. Not necessary to give it to all members, (don't want to take too much time or will get thrown in jail, my wife says) but if just some get it, message will spread. We all need to help out in this if we really care about the victims, as they are unable to speak for themselves. Didn't a scripture say the rocks would even cry out?? Let's start throwing our best fastball at these hypocrites and stir some real changes up, hurling rocks of truth, hard hitting. (You like my illustrations, I used to give talks too.Ha! Ha!) But seriously if it makes even some witnesses reconsider this cult they are in it will be worth it. Peace to everyone on here. Mr & Mrs. Flipper.

  • Junction-Guy

    I believe I might print some flyers off and post them around town at laundromats and other places.

  • FreedomFrog

    Thursday, May 10, 1:00 PM


    Outside the Hall of Justice, 330 Broadway, San Diego, CA 92101, phone: 619-531-4460.

    So, what happened at the conference? Did anyone go from JWD? Any more news?


  • Manjana

    As I see it, there are no winners. Not the Watchtower and not the abused ones.

    Don't misunderstand me, offcourse I am glad so see, that the Wachtower was fursed to pay the victims a lot of money. But the victims are forever silenced and will not watch their abusers go to jail.

    The Watchtower did'nt win either, because their falseness are now more open to the world. And hopefully some witnesses recognice this and leave the Watchtower.

    Is'nt there any one her questening, why the Watchtower is willing to pay those high amounts to the victims and to their attorneys, to pull the cases back? Does'nt anyone ask, why did'nt they pay the victims before they lost the case about giving the caughts their arcives? Which informations does these arcives have, since they are willing to pay so big amounts to keep them secreetly?

    I am just wondering.


  • jgnat
    But the victims are forever silenced and will not watch their abusers go to jail.

    A small correction. This was a civil suit. Even if it had gone to trial, their abusers would not have gone to jail. The only penalty would have been a financial one. It seems the penalty has been applied, and it was substantial.

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