Someone needs to do a Reacon mission to obtain that database. Can you imagine the damage that would do? If it anonymously got sent to the press, with a quick scan and stop on JWD?
Sixteen Child Sex Abuse Lawsuits against Jehovahs Witnesses Are Settled
by Dogpatch 166 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Lets keep bumping this thread by adding meaningful comments NO preregistration needed very user friendly This page is the highest ranking of all and can still be modified by us. Jehovah's Witnesses Settle Abuse Cases - Topix
A victims' rights group released documents Thursday that showed the Jehovah'sWitnesses recently settled civil suits with 16 people who claimed they were ... - 45k -
As a JW the one thing that always baffles me is the parents that would allow their children to be alone with these pervs.! Now, they want to sue the WTBS? I understand the victims suing the WTBS based on the cover up and proclivity to admit guilt, but someone should slap the stupid parents! Perhaps coming out of the world where pedophiles and rapists were rampant gave me "street smarts", but even my children that were raised in the truth know to "be as cautious as serpents"! Where were the parents when the articles on "wolves dressed in sheeps clothing" were being discussed. They must have became witnesses because of the social gatherings.
The Cautious as Serpents articles were mostly perceived and applied to those speaking "twisted things" and trying to take people out of the organization.
Since the vast majority of articles portray the organization as a safe haven, the brothers and sisters put their trust in each other. A single mom might feel relief from a kind brother who wants to take her son under his wing, etc. It's the culture of the organization, unfortunately, that blinds most JWs to the predators within their group.
I don't blame the parents for putting their trust in their own. The organizaiton breeds naivete amongst its members. In the real world, a lot of JWs don't know how to behave, think, respond, etc. They are lost without mother telling them exactly what to do.
Since the vast majority of articles portray the organization as a safe haven, the brothers and sisters put their trust in each other. A single mom might feel relief from a kind brother who wants to take her son under his wing, etc. It's the culture of the organization, unfortunately, that blinds most JWs to the predators within their group
So true, I got eaten alive by my bro's and sis's over 33 years and would marvel in wonder why my worldly workmates where such trusting humanitarians.It really bothered me that they would all die at the big A this is the 'stockholm syndrome' factor ( It really is the truth that's why there is so much grief satan wants to stumble me to quit the real true religion)
As a JW the one thing that always baffles me is the parents that would allow their children to be alone with these pervs.! Now, they want to sue the WTBS? I understand the victims suing the WTBS based on the cover up and proclivity to admit guilt, but someone should slap the stupid parents!
Well, when everyone in the Kingdom Halls is told time after time, year after year how "Elders are like hiding places from the wind," worthy of double honor, etc., they believe it. They begin to feel, because they are continuously told that the witnesses adhere to higher standards, etc., that this problem does not exist in the congregations. And isn't it true that the WTS works very hard to keep the news quiet? So that no "reproach should fall on Jehovah's name?"
I know I was married to a man that was an elder for over twenty years. We were in this organization over thirty years. Never would I have imagined that this type of thing was going on. I trusted. I believed. I went anywhere, to any home, that I was told to go to. I went out in service with any group that I was put in, and took my child with me. Did I ever go to a door and leave my child alone in the car with a man? I am certain that I may have done this. Why would I have been concerned?
I remember reading several stories of people on this board who went to their parents, telling them they were "touched" by someone, only to have to go, as a child, in front of elders and be asked over and over the most intimate questions, and then accused of "enticing" the pervert, one even being an eight year old girl!!!
The WTS carefully made everyone think that this would never happen. Then, as usual, they blame the victims and families, just as you seem to be doing.
Junction-Guy..And ..DannyHazzard.....Hey guy`s!..I went through some of my old posts..SF/Skally had info on the subject at the time..Randy Watters/Dogpatch also had info.....The "DateLine" program your looking for aired on May 28,2002 at 10pm.....J.R.Brown didn`t confirm any numbers in his letters to the BBC.If I remember correctly,he did in his "DateLine" interview..Hope that helps guys!..I would love to see the admission of 27,000 pediphiles in J.R.Browns own words,in print..It made an impression on me when I heard it...OUTLAW
I'm pretty sure you did NOT hear this number confirmed per Brown. I will go back through some 'stuff' and see where it is that he does indeed agree that there is a "high number". Yet as far as confirming the database numbers, that I will re-view and post here.
Search engines are great tools too.
There are many hits in google on this very topic OUTLAW. Here's one darlin'...the BBC transcript. You remember HER! She nailed Jaracz coming off the stage at the assembly:
Here is the link for the keywords therein:
Nathan Natas
I have to conclude from your comments that you are not familiar with very many of the stories the victims of such abuse have to tell. Maybe I can help.
One victim was the male child of a JW couple who lived in NYC and used to do considerable volunteer work as translators for the WTB&TS. They would make their little trek down to Brooklyn heights from their home in the Bronx, and they would bring along their son on such visits. While they worked, their son was left free to roam the halls of Jehovah's House. that is how he happened to become the victim of Brother Leo Greenlees, who was a member of the governing body at the time. Leo Greenlees was asked to leave Bethel and served out the remainder of his days as a special pioneer in Louisiana, if I recall correctly.
I was not that boy, but he has posted his story here.
The other story is from the congregation that I attended in Queens, New York. We had a young man begin associating with the congregation as a result of the big "pre-1975" push for converts using the little blue "Truth" book. This young fellow mad rapid progress, and it seemed in no time at all he had developed his "speciality" - he would offer free home Bible Studies for minor children to people who were NOT interested in becoming JWs themselves. Almost every Sunday he would arrive just slightly late for the public talk with his entourage of small children in tow, and he would find them all seats in the front row of the Kingdom Hall. In the fullness of time it came out that this fine young man was also providing his young Bible Students with camping trips during the summer months. On these trips he sexually molested these boys, and told them that they needed to keep a secret or terrible things would happen. Once the matter came to light, the congregation committee had a judicial meeting and decided that it was best if they DID NOTHING about this. A couple of years later the young brother became engaged to a new sister who had two small children from her previous marriage. The sister was never told about the fine spiritual characteristics of the brother who married her.
So blame the victims, or blame the victims' parents. Blame anyone but the perpetrator and his enablers in Jehovah's Pedophile Paradise. By the way, this was about 20 years before Bill Bowen formed silentlambs, and the Greenlees case was earlier than that. There's a lot of filth in the Watchtower catacombs.