I left when I was in my teenage years, thank god, so I didn't really have the chance to bring anyone under the WTS mind control. How about you? Did you bring anyone in?...and if so, where are they now?
How many people did you bring into the "troof"?
by Bob Loblaw 26 Replies latest jw experiences
Wasanelder Once
About 11 or so. Two are elders, three ministerial servant and six pioneers. Of the 11, one is dead, three inactive and the rest are still pounding the pavement. I was good at what I did. What a waste.
I only brought two into bondage, both I married. I was not so theocratic that I didn't sleep with them first.
Having won freedom, I find they prefer a fringe existance perpetually just outside the 'truth' close enough to see the campfire without being seen by those roasting marshallows and shouting Cum Bayah.
I got my daughter out, or my bodycount would have been three.
Spike Jones said, 'you only hurt, the ones you love'
I also brought zero people into the troof. (I used to call "their truth" to be a wiseguy, but "the troof" has potential) It used to bother me because I truly did believe for a while. I did help others who had studies because I still knew how to think and they didn't--a number of teens and twenty somethings came to me for help in that dept. Guess I was like a sorcerer to them or something.
I failed (so to speak) for the same reasons I had limited success as a salesmen. Somehow, I could never convince myself that the customer needed the dang blam-ed service plan no matter what, and I felt like a jerk for being expected to lie about it. So I couldn't convince the customer half the time, either. (The frequent migraine headaches didn't help, but that's another story)
Likewise, if people didn't want to hear the troof, I didn't push them. And I didn't assume that I was right and they were wrong even to their faces like so may Witnesses did. Silly me, respecting people's right to make up their own darn mind. Oh well.