How many people did you bring into the "troof"?

by Bob Loblaw 26 Replies latest jw experiences

  • UnConfused

    One for sure - besides my kids, but then I got them out and my wife - so it's a wash numbers wise. But I'd like to undo the one I got in and about 6 million more.

    One at a time.....

  • bluesbreaker59

    ZERO!!! I perfected the "quiet knock", by the time I was about 13. Then by the time I was 15, I was at my mom's house almost every weekend, and sometimes would go to meetings or "service" with my friends, that were also as bad as me. We would go take ONE door in the morning, then go drive around and take breaks, sometimes even play basketball. I was basically irregular for almost 2.5 years, then started going to meetings hardcore in 2004-2006, but my service consisted of answering a question or two at work every now and again, I took a total of maybe 7 doors, after I came back.

    Now that I'm DF'd, I play tennis on Saturdays, and am working slowly at getting some more of my friends out here with me.

  • purplesofa

    I had a huge part in my Mother coming in.

  • Alligator Wisdom
    Alligator Wisdom


    I suggested to my former Bible student in my former congregation to wait until he was Jesus' age (30 years old or so) before getting baptized. He was 22 at the time I was studying with him at least five years ago. He was raised a witness and is an unbaptized publisher. As far as I know now, he's not baptized yet and maybe keeping my suggestion intact thus far. Hopefully he doesn't see the need once he becomes thirty.

    Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)

  • Frequent_Fader_Miles

    Absolutely none. The few and far in between "studies" I had were just children of JWs in the congregation. The "return visits" on my field service slip were oftentimes made up ... so new recruits were out of the question for me.

  • yaddayadda

    I studied with two people right through to baptism but I brought only one in right from scratch (ie, I first contacted her on the doors), a struggling single mother. Maybe she fancied me a bit hehe, but it was one way. She's still a JW, now married to a nice brother, but I havn't seen her in years.

    I was always immensely proud of having brought some 'into the truth'.

  • daystar

    Thankfully, none.

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