How many people did you bring into the "troof"?

by Bob Loblaw 26 Replies latest jw experiences

  • troucul

    hopefully none. I pray the 'seeds I sowed' fell in inhospitable soil.

  • dedpoet

    I didn't bring any in, but I've helped a few to escape.

    Apart from that, it's not the troof

  • Stealth453

    Not a single one, and I can't name one person that I know, that has.

    The only "western" growth for the borg is born-in.

    In the third world, I bet it's akin to any other offshoot religion. People with nothing, need something to believe in, and the watchliar sociopath society sells their crap as well, or better than anyone else.

    That opinion comes from almost 50 years of watchquirer history/association/experience.

  • Reefton Jack
    Reefton Jack

    I can identify with those that have no great pretences at being an effective salesman!

    I never managed to actually start a bible study with anyone:

    - I did, however, take over a number of "Studies" (to quote the JW vernacular).
    - These all eventually fizzled out.

    However, years later, two of those persons did "come into the truth."
    In the cold sober light of day, I would like to think that I played no part in that:
    - but; one cannot rule it out entirely!


  • mouthy

    Why did you have to remind me

    10 < my daughter & granddaughter is still there,my sister-in-law died as one,Sue my other Daughter is out, Melanie my daughter that died was free before she died,Ann is still in,Rita still in,Robert -out, Rachell out,Betty just out,

    I was convincing,,,,Oh what a web we weave when first we practice to deceive, I practiced well!!!

  • bluebell

    NONE thank goodness!

  • ninja
    ninja mate..(well.. ex-mate now...I have a picture somewhere on this forum taken with his brother who also got captured by them)...he's still in ....and stays in Brisbane now

  • WTWizard

    That I know, zilch. It is highly probable that at least one of those "Not Interested--Those F*^$ing Jehovah's Witnesses" calls turned around and ultimately saved a whole region from the ravages of , but I hope not. I never even got a study off the ground myself, and I am glad that I never did one. I got one started, but it fizzled after the first study.

    As an apostate, I helped keep one study from joining. This person was working with me at the same store and was studying, and I suggested to see Six Screens of the Watchtower before making another move. Upon viewing that site, the study was blown. One down, 6,999,999 to go.

  • greendawn

    Fortunately no one though I had several studies during the one year that I was active. I gave up all preaching for the JWs precisely because I realised it was irresponsible to bring people into this dictatorial and unfriendly organisation.

  • dobbie

    None as i was so rubbish at 'witnessing' - something that i'm really pleased about now!

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